So I was 17 when I kept being called this. And it doesnt make sense because Ive been also told by others many times that I look like Im in my 20’s. The first instance I was called a 13 year old with a beard was among a group of about 7 or so people around my age, they kept just jabbing at me with rude remarks and putting baby toys in my face, and kept saying I was a 13 year old with a beard. They were singling me out and were only saying rude things about me. The second instance was when a group of guys slightly younger than me kept making fun of me and kept saying that “I was Still just a 12 year old with a beard”. The third instance happened very much the same way, where we were in a room and people (one was 28 yrs old) kept remarking that I was a 13 year old with a beard. In all of these instances, each group most likely did not know the other groups of people, and each group most likely did not know that each group had already called me a 13 year old with a beard. I guess Im asking because I kept being called 13 yr old with a beard 3 different times, and I find it weird that none of the groups of people knew each other, and it all happened at different times. Why is this?

  1. It could be that you are giving off vibes that could be seen as naive. Either you have moral views or overall a world view that they see as one rather a kid would have. Maybe you do not fall in with their kind of behavior. Do you feel like you have very different world views or ways of behavior than they have?

  2. It’s possible yours really immature and it’s showing brightly in these interactions, sobyou look older but act like a child still

  3. Could be just your vibe. Don’t worry about it. It’s great to have a young heart, as long as you still act like an adult in some circumstances (taking care of responsibilities and such)

  4. You might have a baby face. Fuller cheeks, cherubic mouth, big eyes, and acne or other facial features can all make a person look younger than they are, and slapping a beard on it sometimes ages you up but sometimes just makes you look like… well.

    Another possibility is that your mannerisms or style of dress are having the same impact. “Thirteen year old with a beard” a few years ago was a sort of fedora/katana/three wolf moon t-shirt energy. I’m honestly not hip enough to know what it is these days.

    But some of these people are being really rude about it and bullying you for it, which is weird/dumb. Keep walking, there are better people out there.

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