Hi guys,

I’m a 26F who’s been in a relationship with a 28M. Our relationship is very fresh, we’ve been speaking since mid-Feb, dated from mid-Feb to mid-April and end of April he asked me to be his girlfriend.

I’ve met all his friend and he’s met all of mine, he’s met my parents twice and I met his once in passing.

Long story short, he is an entrepreneur. He hasn’t fully grown his business yet and lives with his parents.

We got into a disagreement yesterday and it opened up to him admitting he is afraid he can’t provide for me, and that he was having doubts of wanting a relationship. He thinks he’s not enough.

Obviously I am heart broken about hearing this. It hurts to hear he doesn’t think he is good enough, even when I very much want to be with him.

My question is what would you do in this situation? Any ladies have been in a similar situation?

A part of me wants him to accomplish his goals and if not being with me is the answer, I should let him go.

TL;DR – boyfriend has doubts to provide for me, should we separate

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