I am a 22 M and I’ve had sex 3 times. Every time we have sex we go for hours without me Cumming. My girlfriend is thinking it’s her and I keep assuring her that it’s not. Last time I focused more on foreplay, but to no avail. Should I focus more on foreplay? I don’t know what to do

  1. Do you masturbate alot? How long is foreplay lasting? Can you cum alone?

  2. You wouldn’t happen to be on anti depressants would you? Like sertraline? Shit removed my ability to cum.

  3. My boyfriend and I were each other’s first. First everything really. He couldn’t finish for like the first week of us doing it. There wasn’t really any rhyme or reason. Maybe he was nervous; he definitely was the first time. After about a week and doing it everyday we went to the movies, got excited in the theater, then went to the car, parked somewhere quiet with no people, and he finally finished. We still listen to the song he finished to *very* fondly.

  4. If u want to cum during sex, then the most important thing to do is to restrict masturbation – u need to at least balance your sexual activity 50:50.

    For example if u r having sex twice per week, you can’t masturbate 3 or more times – otherwise your mind and penis gonna treat masturbation as an **default sexual activity**, which is not.

    This was something my therapist told me to do when we spoke about sex addiction treatment – u need to replace “bad” (watching porn) sexual behavior with healthy one (having sex with my partner).

    Also – It’s same if u can’t cum if u r having sex standing or laying on your back – it’s because you fap when you’re sitting on your chair – so your organism treats this as an default sexual “pose”. This is all from my experience – I couldn’t cum when I was standing, and my gf was blowing me, and I rly wanted to, bcs it was making me so horny.

    What I’ve read is that u need to masturbate in positions u wanna have sex / wanna cum – it worked out perfectly.

  5. There’s a few things this could be. Death grip syndrome, too much porn, or it could be a medical thing. I have a condition called anorgasmia, which makes reaching climax impossible.

    It could also be a psychological thing like a mental block.

    Or it could be PSSD if you took anti depressants as a child.

    I’ve had this mystery my entire adult life. If the common causes aren’t clicking like porn and masturbation, give me a shout im happy to share all I learned.

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