As in just hanging out or grabbing dinner or something. Bc I’m paranoid that I’m the reason they don’t wanna go out. There is this one friend they’ve known for 2 years and they’ve known me for abt 6-7 months. Haha yeah I’m a little jealous but again I totally get it if they are more comfortable with her than they are with me.

1 comment
  1. Its tough to tell. I went through the same worries when i was in college. In some ways i was right because now i dont speak to these guys anymore. It could be they just suck at reaching out but we would need more details.

    Here was how i suspected my friends didnt want to hangout with me. They would only invite me for small hangouts like out for lunch, watching the game, etc. bigger events i wouldnt get invited. Like they would host parties and id find out about it the day after. Theyd go out for halloween and wouldnt invite me to join along. I realized i always reached out to them and when i stopped resching out i barely ever heard from them.

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