How often, if ever, do you feel sexy?

  1. I usually am my own worst critic. And though I understand that im probably quite attractive, I usually dont see that myself. However there are rare cases where I see a picture of me or look in the mirror and I think “damn… I am hot”. Those are far and few between though.

  2. Probably every time Iā€™m ovulating when it comes to feeling sexy, lol. Otherwise I do find myself attractive on a daily basis even when I look like shit.

  3. I feel sexy all the time, except when I am changing my menstrual cup or pooping. I do have insecurities but I try my best to ignore them or hide them.

  4. Since I’m curvy I get that quite a lot (that I’m sexy). I don’t really think of myself as sexy tho.
    I may “look the part” but I personally think of being sexy as more of a vibe, something more about your personality than strictly looks.

  5. At the moment?….. Never! I am a full time mom. And when I look in the mirror I see someone with unruly hair, eye shadows and some sneaky wrinkles more than I had before šŸ˜‚
    But, my time is coming again and my children and husband love me like I am

  6. I don’t, because I’m not. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø There’s never been a second of my life where anyone has given me reason to feel sexy.

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