I don’t really know where else to post, but since this involves a few relationships, I guess here?

One of my (20) best girlfriends, lets call her Emily (22), and I had a close yet complicated relationship throughout our teenage years. She struggled with dating and love, she’s beautiful but had a bad taste, while I was in and out of a long term relationship through most of high school. During a break with my boyfriend, Ryan (21), me and Em dated briefly but I ended things to go back to Ryan yet we stayed very close friends. Senior year of high school I threw a party and invited Em and Ryan, we were off at that point in time. I found the two of them on the verge of doing the nasty IN MY ROOM and I just walked out. Neither of them said anything to me about it and started dating soon after. We all went to college two years ago and Em and Ryan continued to date until they broke up spectacularly during his first spring break. Not going to lie, I enjoyed it. The problem, Em threw a birthday party at her house in August when many of us were home, Ryan and I attended along with many of our other friends. We had some drinks and eventually left the party together and hooked up that night. We have no intention of dating as we’ve seen where that leads and just acted on attraction. Apparently Em found out recently from a mutual friend that it happened and is calling me a selfish bitch and that I helped her boyfriend cheat on her (Ryan and I attend college in the same state and occasionally hung out on long weekends, we never did anything while they were dating) but they weren’t together. I called her and said it wasn’t my fault he doesn’t like her and she’s acting like a selfish child. She called me a mythic bitch, I responded by saying how it’s not as fun when someone does it to you. She said I was psycho for bringing up highschool, but I think she’s crazy for telling me who I can and can’t sleep with. She’s making many of our friends take sides and apparently Ryan said he blocked me (he didn’t) to prevent “collateral damage”. I will admit I messed up but I don’t want her to think that it’s just okay to spread rumors about me like that. I don’t know what to do.

  1. Ryan sounds like a bit of a dick.. I’m frankly surprised either of you gave him the time of day…

  2. Telling people the truth isn’t “spreading rumors.”

    You did what you did, she didn’t like it. That happens sometimes. When your actions involve other people, it is their right to formulate whatever opinions they want about those actions, and you had to know this was going to be the eventual outcome. Those who play with fire can’t really complain about the heat.

  3. You all sound rather tiresomely self-interested. Friends should all look after one another better, including looking after one another’s integrity and honor.

    But to clarify your situation: people who are not in a committed relationship can have casual sex with whomever they like.

    So, you’re breaking no rules. But that doesn’t make any of you awesome people.

  4. Wow I’ve never seen so much “everyone sucks here” at once. You all have the maturity of a bunch of teenagers. No sort of concept of boundaries, respect, nothing.

  5. You all sound incredibly immature and selfish. Being in your friend group must be exhausting. Thank God you guys save your toxic crap for each other instead of poisoning the rest of us.

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