So we went on a first date with a guy a couple of days ago, and it went pretty well. But the thing is niether of us can go on a second date until the end of next week because its exam season here so we are both really busy. I have kind of picked up the vibe that he isnt really into texting. I will always be the one to text him first, but, when he does reply I dont get any feeling that he is not interested, or his responses are short/cold. I just genuinely think that he is not a texting person, as so far (at least I think), he is also interested. I however am a texting person, and like to text somebody everyday (not full on conversations, just a quick “how are you going”, or joking to them about the amount of work to do). If he was a long time friend, I wouldnt feel the need to text everyday, because we would both know what our relationship is with each other. But he is new, and dont know how to balance out giving him space, but still showing him that I am interested. Basically I really like him, but dont want to seem clingy, but I also dont want things to fizzle out over the next 1.5 weeks.

Sorry if any of the sentences are bad, english is not my first language


EDIT: so far I have texted him every second day (roughly), do I keep up with this?

  1. Exactly the amount you would like to. Be yourself and if he doesn’t like that, he isn’t for you.

  2. It seems you’re over thinking this, a little over a week in between dates is nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t be concerned at all, that’s a short timeframe! Just go about your days and plan the next date. Don’t put too much meneyal energy and emotions into someone you’ve only gone on one date with. Like I always say “a first date is like an interview and a second date is like an introduction”.

    Also, give him some space. If you’re always the one initiating texts this early on after one date then that’s a red flag. You shouldn’t be putting in all the effort, he needs to too. It’s not healthy to be one sided… Don’t text him first everyday, let him reach out to you. And if he doesn’t then he’s probably not the right match or not interested. Sometimes you have to pull back a little to see if that person will put in effort. Plus, you like texting and as you say it seems he doesn’t so there might be a incompatibility issue regarding communication or more between you and him.

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