I suck at partaking in hookup culture. I personally only like to have sex when I’m in a exclusive relationship. I hate the ghosting and the being anxious about what’s going to come next after randomly hooking up with someone. There’s this guy I have extreme sexual tension with and we’ve been talking about it for quite some time, he seems like hes crushing on me hard but not sure if it’s his second brain thinking or not. I asked him if that was the case and he said it wasn’t. Anyways I take anything a dude says with a grain of salt (unresolved trust issues ig lol) dating or not i hate to randomly have sex with people knowing that they are currently having sex with other people. He says he doesn’t want that either but like I said previously I think everyone is full of it. I was wondering if anyone else felt this way? Is Wanting to have sex exclusively with eachother without the relationship title asking for too much?

  1. Sorry.. but your story makes no sense whatsoever.

    Get laid if you want to, don’t get laid if you don’t want to. Its that easy…


    Jesus.. this sub yo..

  2. It’s not asking for too much but you’re basically screwing yourself that you don’t trust what they say. Because unless they tell you how else are you supposed to know if they’re only sleeping with you or not? You can’t follow them around making sure they aren’t sleeping with other women. Personally I don’t want to sleep with a man who is sleeping with other women too. Especially since I would only sleep with a man if I’m in a relationship with him and I’m monogamous so loyalty would of course be expected. But I also wouldn’t want to get into a relationship with a man who was sleeping with other women while we’re dating. I view those men as poor quality

  3. No, you’re not asking for much. I think the problem is you might be searching for a while. (M26) I’m the same way. I hate hookup culture and the way dating is today. In my opinion sex feels good with anyone, but when you’re in a relationship, it is just better, so I never do casual hookups and wait till I’m in a relationship. The thing is not every guy is going to have the same view of sex as you so you are going to have to deal with guys possibly lying just to get sex so you’re going to have to use your best judgment is all I can say there. But overall, you’re not weird for wanting to wait until a relationship

  4. I get it. i used to have the same problems with trust, but if you dont resolve those issues, it’s going to create lots of problems down the road. Sometimes, you just gotta have faith and give people who are deserving the “benefit of the doubt” unless they prove otherwise.

  5. it’s not asking for much, but if you have trust issues it might be better to have a mindset that doesn’t care about what the other person does until you become exclusive. should save you some headache

  6. That’s called being in a relationship.

    You want a casual exclusive fwb thing going on? Is there even a name for that?

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