How do you handle conflicts or disagreements in a relationship?

  1. I try to keep it context. Is this some shit in the world, or is my live in partner making my live in life hell? If we disagree on politics, that is what the vote is for. If she demands my half of the blanket, I’ll buy a second blanket. If it’s a time management/attention issue, I’ll try and set ‘Tea times’ to sit and have a drink and relax with them for an hour or whatever, no distractions (Cell phone, Tv, Radio is fine with something light).
    Attack the problems, not your loved ones.

  2. I think it starts by knowing and communicating your red lines carefully and clearly, and then discussing the other points as long as it takes to understand each other and come to an agreement

  3. With words in a normal tone and volume til a resolution of some sort is made

  4. I would say what I had on my mind while she listens, then I listen what she has on my mind. Afterwards we talk about the next step that benefits us both.

  5. I have no conflicts.

    I have no disagreements.

    I have no relationship.


  6. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. Personally, if someone starts an argument, or I feel like someone might yell or be angry, etc. I walk away. I refuse to argue. You need two people to fight. If one person leaves, you can’t fight. I leave, cool off, let the other person cool off, then go back and talk it out.

  7. We talk it over. Hash it out. Figure out what makes the most sense for us and move forward together. Very rarely are we not on the same page.

    I like to say that my wife and I have had one fight in our 12 years of marriage. It was like 3 years in. I won, but she ended up being right. And it’s true. There’s really only been that one time where I would have said we were fighting.

  8. By avoiding shouting/passive aggressiveness/insults/gaslighting/ stonewalling/ etc…

    You should both speak to each other in a respectful manner or not at all.

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