So my boyfriend(27) and I (25f)started off as friends this year after years of getting together and breaking up. We became romantically involved with each other. We started to be intimate with each other but he would not be able to get/maintain an erection. He would get soft if I touched him or get soft after going inside me. When I confronted him about he said he didn’t like the shape of my body. He also has a fetish for fatness and he said if I were fatter we would be able to have ‘vanilla sex.’ He has long since apologized and said that our relationship is beyond the physical. We are able to have sex now but I know that I’m not his physical type body wise at least. It makes me feel so insecure. He loves me a lot and I know he would never cheat on me or leave me, but is this a toxic relationship? I also love him a lot but I have a hard time accepting this. It’s hard for me to leave because he was my only friend so if we break up i would be alone. Is this something I should get over to be with him?

  1. Yeah, don’t be with someone who has made it known that you’re not their type physically. That’s just a great way to get hurt.

  2. Some people have success with poly

    Different roles for different people. I’m not talking about an open relationship

    A solid committed one maybe

    I also think he’s blaming his physical issues on you which is a dick move imo

    Tell him to see a Dr and get some pills

  3. Without physical attraction from both sides it will be difficult to maintain a relationship in my opinion.

    Chances of cheating are very high…

  4. That doesn’t sound toxic unless he’s trying to get/manipulate you into gaining weight. If you cant move past it, though, you should talk to him about and then decide if you want to break up.

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