He said that I’m supposed to feel some relief because of my decision, but the truth is I’m so hurt that I hurt his feelings and that things can’t work out between us. I don’t feel any spark or romantic connection with him. I really tried to feel it but there was nothing. I didn’t want to string him along and waste his time.

How do I make peace with myself and not beat myself up about my decision? I can’t focus on my school work and even on my hobbies. My mind keeps thinking about what happened. I was so affected. He was so good to me. I’m just really really sad.

1 comment
  1. Hey Im a guy who got let down today. It sucks. I think guys have a tendency to ignore a lack of chemistry at the beginning because the window of attention these days is narrow. I didn’t necessarily feel a strong connection with the girl I was seeing but I was willing to see if we could grow into it, she wasnt and seeing other people and didn’t tell me till I called out the elephant in the room.

    From my perspective rejection happens to us a lot more than it happens to girls but It helps guys grow to become badass men. Once we go through enough rejection women can’t really phase us. Which ironically makes us more attractive.

    Rejection is our super power if we know how to use it. Helps us figure out what we want. Helps us avoid the same mistakes. Helps us understand our emotions.

    I used the pain to fuel my creativity, wrote some poetry and sang and played my guitar more powerfully than I have in months.

    It’s normal to feel sad about lost connection even if the chemistry isn’t there. He’s not gonna be thinking about you in a month if he uses this the right way. Feel sad but be easy on yourself. You’re human you’re gonna disappoint people.

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