Hi (27M), and I am very insecure about my past, I don’t know how to feel about it or how it will interfere with my dating life

I am a handsome and attractive looking guy according to friends and many girls I have met. The last ex-girlfriend I had believed when we met that I had had many dates and many gorgeous girlfriends. The fact is that it is the opposite…

I’ve never been on a date like going out somewhere other than a house and taking her out for lunch and getting to know her in the process. I only had one date in my life that was just going to a girl’s house and having sex with her.
The 3 girlfriends I had I met online. I only saw one of them once in my life and it was at her house, I didn’t even have sex with her
and the third only lasted a month

There are many gurus out there who say that women don’t like men with low body counts; You like them with experience, is this true?

Is my sexual past too promiscuous or too low?

What would you say if you date a guy with the same relationship history, would you consider it red flag?

  1. “i am insecure about my past so women please tell me how insecure I should be about my past”

    You have to start giving less of a fuck what others think about you and begin to validate yourself. Your question comes from a place of insecurity and the answer to the question will not make you feel more secure. Security has to come from within. Not from others.

    Stop asking this pathethic question. As if women have the power to tell how insecure it’s appropriate for you to be. Don’t give others that power over you.

    No matter your past you should feel confident and secure. That’s it and that’s all. You should always own it. Whatever “it” is

  2. I am sorry but 3 girlfriends you met online and you only met one in real life. I would not count 2 woman you have never met as your girlfriend. But thats just me
    Other then that, have you considered dating apps? If you really are that good looking you will get matches and get more experience

  3. F20 here….here’s my insight on this.

    There may be girls out there who want an experienced partner, and view you not being in a relationship as a ‘Red-flag’ or ‘unusual’, but there are also those of us out there who could not care less (me). Body counts are the stupidest concept to exist.

    Don’t stress you’ll be fine x

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