My ex and I dated for 7 months. I loved Her and don’t have an intention to replace her.

We are in a Long distance relationship. We were away from each other to deal with a family matter.

We broke up because we had a huge argument, we ended up saying hurtful words. It happened because she overreacted to things on what I do in social media. We fight all the time because of the things that I do. You know in facebook, we can see a lot of things everytime we scroll. And I do that to make the time pass . There are times I can see some photos of some random girls but I don’t find them attractive. I don’t even like/react of some girls photos. We were exchanging accounts so she sees what I see in my account. And that’s what she’s mad about me because I see some photos of random girls post in facebook/ instagram . So by that time I unfriended/unfollowed some of my friends specially girls in my facebook and instagram so she will not be mad at me again. But she stays the same. One time I’m not busy, to make myself entertained, I scroll through social media and I reacted to a post (not her photo but a quote of achilles) of my old classmate(girl), and my ex is mad about that. I mean wtf social media is everything in this generation.
I am dealing with family problems here and she’s also there making me problems. I am always with my family, I don’t even have a close girl friend and I don’t even initiate conversation to other girls but she always have doubts about me. I don’t know man is there something wrong about me? I know I did wrong from the first months but I did not repeat it.

The worst part is every time we fight she punishes me with silent treatment, and there’s me trying to guess what I did wrong. There are times that we’re in good terms and she wants to go out with her friends, then she suddenly tries to fight me to stop me from asking questions. She did that many times. Why just tell me directly there’s nothing wrong with that. And she never tell me who she with and where she goes. And she also changes her messenger password everytime we had a fight, or everytime she goes out with her friends. I can’t even do that to her. When I asked why she did that, she tells me that it was a revenge.

For a couple months of relationships.
I thought I can deal with her because I loved her. But doing that every month and everyweek is not normal. She made me feel like I am a bad person. I know there is no perfect relationship, but that was too much.

  1. Honestly, this sounds unhealthy af. You can’t be responsible for your partner’s insecurities. If you weren’t engaging in flirty or sexual behavior with other women, she is insecure. If you were, she had a reason to be upset. However, if she also didn’t wanna tell you what she was up to sis was either playing games to try to make you jealous (insecure and childish) or she was playing around and she projected that on you when she saw random women on your TL.

    I know it sucks when you love someone but you sound better off, hun.

  2. If it has come to state where even reacting to a social media post is triggering her insecurities, it is a problem. And a very unhealthy problem.

    Unless you are doing something shady, you are otherwise not responsible for her insecurities. It is something she ought to deal with herself. And if she would even go to the extent of doing things to spite you, this relationship is not worth saving.

    You surely deserve better.

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