In how many states have you resided for at least one season (min. 90 days), which ones have been?

  1. Ohio – Massachusetts – Pennsylvania – New York – New Jersey – California

  2. Missouri, Illinois, and California.

    I was born in Minnesota, but I don’t remember my time there. My blood does though because I still prefer the cold lol

  3. Virginia, California, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

    Tecnically also Maryland and Rhode Island, but I was too young to remember.

  4. Just one. Minnesota.

    But I’ve lived in like, 4 different regions of the state, so it kind of feels like its been more than one.

  5. I have lived most of my life in Washington. I also spent a few years in Oregon.

  6. 2 states and 1 foreign country…

    Illinois most of my 46 years, but 7th grade in Netherlands, college & first 2 years out of college in Georgia.

  7. Alaska, Virginia, Texas, then overseas to Portugal, then Maryland, back to Alaska, and now I’m in Colorado.

  8. 4 – Maryland, Illinois, Alabama, and New York. Plus England for a little while.

  9. 9 – Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Indiana, Illinois, Arizona. Plus a number of foreign countries.

    Being a military brat and subsequent itchy feet will do that to you.

  10. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida, Maryland, Indiana, Colorado, Nevada, Washington.

  11. I’m a military brat. Now 38, I’ve lived in 8 different states, and two locations overseas.

  12. eight — california, texas, virginia, north carolina, rhode island, florida, illinois, new york !

  13. Oregon, Washington, Texas, Alaska, Virginia, Maryland, Florida, California. If you also count US Territories, St Croix.

  14. Colorado, Illinois, Colorado, Illinois, Colorado, Illinois

    I’m staying in IL now for good.

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