Hey y’all. I’m female and I’ve never actually had to do anything about it, but it’s starting to annoy me. I’ve tried shaving it before, but it gets itchy within a few days. I could use as much advice as I can get. If this isn’t the right sub for this, can someone direct me to a better one.

  1. the itchiness goes away once you’re used to shaving. but i would recommend getting a professional wax

  2. If shaving irritates your skin too much then I’d suggest trimming it. A good hair Clipper that lets you cut with a certain length is enough to trim them, then shave the not so sensitive parts to a form you like, i.e. a triangle or something like that

  3. Try using a razon/clipper for pubic areas. You can try trimming it in the shower. Go slow and take your time. When shaving i use body soap to make it glide easier and to prevent ingrown shave towards the direction the hair grows. It will be itchy for a couple or days after shaving when the hair begins to sprout but with time the itchiness goes down.

  4. Not a woman but to help with the itching after shaving down there, I use some lotion and it feels fine. Also, my wife likes to shave using conditioner. She says it helps get a smooth shave and prevents itching after.

  5. I bought the Manscape trimmer, and it’s my favorite thing. It’s pretty darn close to a proper razer close shave. Has a little light on it too so I can really make sure I don’t miss any spots.

    It never ever leaves me with irritation, and I’m pretty sensitive down there.

  6. I recently shaved for the first time since I few years ago. I used a spray I got off Amazon it’s called Coochy Plus. So far it’s worked fine! I’m not itchy, which is something I dreaded and the main reason I did not shave before. I use this after showering. Though I’m not sure how good this is health wise, you can look more into it or something similar?

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