I (21F) have been dating this guy (25M) for about 2 months. It’s been very casual, we aren’t technically exclusive but we’ve both said we’re not dating or hooking up with anyone else. He went to a rave this weekend with a big group of friends, and he hasn’t texted the *entire time*. He’s even online right now (according to discord) and I haven’t heard from him.

I don’t really care that he was having fun with everyone the whole weekend, but ZERO texts since Friday?? No matter how fked up you are, there’s no reason not to send a text (even if it’s just to say that you’re alive and not OD) unless you genuinely just don’t care about the person you’re dating.

Before you ask, no, I did not text him first because I was waiting to see if he would think about me over the weekend, and I also don’t wanna bother him or seem like I’m nagging/don’t trust him by texting first.

For further context, his ex was in the friend group, and I’m wondering if they took some molly and hooked up or are maybe getting back together.

  1. Man the anxiety would have been eating me up those four days. Lol well I mean longest I’ve gone without someone texting me was like almost 2 weeks. So yeah 4 days isn’t terrible but still.

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