Friend from college and I have had an interesting friendship since we met 15 years ago. We have the same degree, took the same classes at the same time, graduated the same day over a decade ago.

We’ve kept in contact since graduation. I still live where we met, she’s since moved back home. Sometimes quick messages on social media. Then we’ll talk for months at a time with years break in between.

Talked to her briefly a year ago about relationship type stuff. Wanted her advice. Then that’s it for a little over year. Guess who’s back after a year, looking for advice. Alright, let’s psyche this one out.

Every time we’ve reconnected, we spend hours and hours on the phone talking everything and nothing at all. Something felt right. Am I the only one who’s pulled an all nighter talking to someone, then immediately went to work? The more we talk, the more we get into past relationships, sex life, preferences, anatomy. Even had one of those kind of convos over the phone. Things that casual friends don’t talk about.

She and I in the midst of starting a podcast with overarching theme of, as she puts it, “are they dating?”

I’m going to visit her in a few days at the beginning of next month. She suggested we share her bed. What friends don’t share a bed, she says.

She’s asked a couple of times if I was interested in her. Uh, yeah. But have told her no every she’s asked. The last time she flat out said she can feel it.

I don’t know what do to. I want to pursue her. But she’s so far out my league. Distance is an issue. As is my limited dating experience in relation to hers.


**TL;DR:** She sends signals that she’s interested. Tells me I’m interested even when I say I’m not, then shots me down when I open up. How should I pursue her?

  1. She’s asked you to visit and share a bed. She’s asked you if you are interested in her.

    SHE thinks you’re in her league.

    Distance can be overcome.

    Your dating experience has no bearing here unless you make it a problem. Get out of your own way.

  2. If she wants to share a bed with you, then obviously she’s interested. Don’t overthink this.

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