I’m referring to the plant, which sticks to you, and which grows in abundance in the “woodlany meadowy” bit I have in my garden.
Of course there is the excellent primary school joke of sticking one onto someone and then saying “Hur Hur, you’ve got a willy on you”, but beyond that – can it be used for anything?

  1. I may have read that cleavers (sticky willys) were used as cordage in neolithic times. They would get the long fibres from the stems, then roll these into ropes, threads, and bowstrings.

  2. That’s so funny, where I’m from we used to call them sticky jacks! I remember them unfondly

  3. Out of interest, roughly where in the UK are you from? I’ve not heard anyone call jt that in years 😂

  4. Sticky buds! I personally think that sticking them to people is an unbeatable use, but there may be others.

  5. Feed to hens and other domestic fowl. Highly nutritious, makes their egg yolks a deeper yellow.

    That’s why it’s also calles goose grass.

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