I met her in 9th grade and instantly had a crush on her that probably lasted till we graduated from school. I never had the courage to ask her out of the fear I might ruin what I had. We weren’t that close then to begin with and yeah. I don’t really know how my feelings were by the end or if I’m using the right words to describe them. We grew apart during covid, rarely talking, and when we did it was mostly about studies. My social interaction skills aren’t great to begin with, so I never knew what and how I should talk to her. After we graduated we rarely talked for about a year, after which we started chatting and talking on call again, quite often at that. She is now my best friend and we regularly talk about stuff with each other no one else knows. It’s a really good thing. One thing that’s been eating me though is that I still have feelings for her. It started when we got the chance to meet in person a few days ago. I really enjoyed it. Maybe I’m over thinking things but it feels like I’m betraying her if I don’t come clean. We’re meeting again today. What should I do in handling this? Please help me this has been eating me up from the inside.

TL;DR: I’m a 19-year-old guy who has a crush on my best friend (20F) since high school. We grew apart during COVID but reconnected and became close again. I think I still have feelings for her and don’t know how to handle it. We’re meeting today, and I need advice on what to do.

1 comment
  1. Might as well shoot your shot if it’s been on your mind so long. But have you ever gotten signs she feels the same way? Does she show interest beyond a friendship? Try to read her behavior and ask yourself whether the romantic feelings are mutual.

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