I’ve been speaking to a woman now for about 2 months and we’ve been dating for about 5-6 weeks seeing each other 1-2 times per week.

She isn’t my usual type however her personality is amazing, initially I was interested but after 2 weeks I felt my interest started to decline so I was completely open and honest and told her that I wasn’t feeling the chemistry/connection yet but I would like to get to know her more, she said she’d like to and see if things changed.

The next 2 weeks seemed to go really well but these last few days it’s like a switch has been turned off inside me and I’ve lost all interest.

She is very interested in me which is making it much harder as I don’t want to hurt her or crush her feelings, she is a really lovely person and is what I thought I wanted but the feelings just turned off.

In this situation how should I tell her or word it? Last time when I told her she got upset but she seems more interested in me now so I want to tell her that I don’t see any relationship happening, I would like to remain friends or at least be civil though as she’s a genuinely lovely person.

  1. The best breaks are the clean ones, not the ones that are drawn out over weeks or even years.

    Just be honest. You’ll be respected more for putting your true self out onto the table than if you hid it or ghosted her.

  2. Honesty is the best policy. You can’t control how you feel, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    The only thing I would say is to think about what she wants as well. If she clearly wants more than friendship, remaining friends may be more cruel to her in the long run.

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