She’s my literal best friend. She and I have the exact same humour, values, etc. Let’s just say this to encompass the whole friendship. She and I talk on social media everyday, throughout the day and the convo NEVER runs out. Literally NEVER. And if I ever take too long to respond, she’ll end up double/triple/quadruple message me random stuff – as if to get my attention AND because she knows if she has something on her mind, she can message me about it, since we are best friends and understand each other.

She said she used to like me. I told her my feelings, and I did not get a straight up rejection, she just said it would have been nice if we dated. And after I told her my feelings, it was awkward for ONE day, and now we are back to where we were before. Literally talking all day, but I talk to her less frequently now, but with the same intensity.

What could be the reason her vibe hasn’t changed one bit after I told her my feelings?

**Could it mean she likes me but isn’t ready to date yet?**

Thank you!

  1. I mean, call me crazy, but I would suspect it means that you were her friend yesterday and she still thinks you’re her friend today.

  2. If she wanted more you’d know, and not from some subtle signs but directly from her mouth saying it.

  3. Say things like, “you know you love me” in a cocky but funny manner, treat her like your little sister and pick on her a bit, again, in a cocky but cute and funny manner. Don’t just be her guy friend that she texts a lot.

    Either tell her that she is super wild or on the other hand tell her she is a big bore again, cocky but funny. DON’T be her bestest friendest in the whole wide world. When she says something that could be taken dirty but wasn’t meant to be say, “ooh, your dirty, I see the effect I have on you,” again in a cocky but cute and funny way. Flirtatious that is. She may recoil at first cuz your in the friend zone at the moment but she may end that recoiling with a smirk and flirtatious look back at you, that is what you want. You want her to start thinking of you as a potential sexual partner. You basically are turning her emotions on and sending them towards horny. Sounds like you are stuck in the friend zone, she doesn’t want a guy that can’t turn her on on a regular basis.

    Here is a good way to think about what sex is to her. As you are a straight male just imagine you are a female for a moment and that this big hairy guy is going to get naked with you, roll around under the sheets, insert his body part into you, climax, the works. Now as a woman that has to go through this whole ordeal, who do you want doing it, Casanova or Millhouse Van Houten?

    Now, another way to put things, YOU are playing hard to get and she has to work to get your attention sexually, your kind of putting her down jokingly, picking on her weird things she does but also being the leader and sweeping her off her feet at the same time. Now she wants you but your unattainable, but maybe she can get your attention. Make her desire you and long for you.

    When you go out don’t say, “what do you want to eat?” But instead say, “hey, I planned the whole evening out, just sit back and enjoy it,” then tell her what you have planned with a secret thing happening that you don’t tell her but say you have a secret thing planned. Whatever that is I dunno. Also, another secret to a woman’s heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time. Bring something special.

    Girls love to just be swept off their feet, they have been working all day emotions have been up and down with different things happening and they just want to kick back, relax and have their knight in shining armor sweep them off their feet and pour out his love upon them.

    “I’ll pick you up at 7, wear something dressy casual, we are gonna to go to the pet store and see the new puppies and kittens they got in recently then after that off to dinner at Maggianos, then a walk in the park” find out what she wants to order and order for her when you place your order. Pull out her chair, choose which table you sit at. If she says, “let’s sit here, say, “no, this spot over here looks better.” Make her feel like she doesn’t have a care in the world, she doesn’t have to think or make one more decision today because her lover has swept her off her feet like the princess she is.

    DONT say, “what do you wanna do tonight?” “Where should we eat?” “What should we do?” Yadda yadda, I mean she can certainly make suggestions and change things but don’t leave all the decisions to her.


    Don’t talk about YOU all the time, ask her questions, “how was your day?” “What was the hardest thing you had to do today.” Get her opening up to you, you don’t have to give a bunch of advice, you’ll make her think that you think she can’t think for herself, just be an ear to listen and love her.

  4. Listen to this audiobook about how to become sexually attractive to women. It’s one of the quintessential books on the topic. I think it may be what I listened to back in 2009 when I was learning how to interest women. I went from clueless to being with the most beautiful woman on my college campus.

  5. It means she wants the connection, and attention but nothing

    If you want her to develop an interest, then see other people

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