Who do you call when you are at your lowest?

  1. My sister in law and brother, they’re basically the closet thing I’ve had to parents. I would also say my best friend, but we live together now for the foreseeable future.

  2. If you are in the UK call the Samaritans- 116 123. You don’t have to go through things alone

  3. No one, everyone gives tough love. Their Drill Sargent approach to attempt to cheer me up doesn’t work.

  4. My mother. I say that at 43, and with no shame whatsoever. I realize that I’m lucky in this respect– both to have my mother still living, and to have her still be a source of advice and assurance, but….fuck it. She’s my mom and she’s always been there for me, and will be till she’s, well, not there anymore.

  5. I just deal with it. Often i don’t even let my tears go down because it’s just useless

  6. No one.

    I’m a listener but it seems most my relationships have developed as me filling that roll and everyone else is a talker.

    Talking to my partner isn’t always an option because it may involve them and sometimes they’ll make it involve them regardless and then the conversation becomes their feelings and not what I was feeling low about.

    I’ll probably pay someone to listen.

  7. I thought I had someone. But I was recently at my lowest point and they ghosted me. So nobody is my answer.

  8. Nobody because no one gives a shit. Besides, they have their own BS they’re dealing with.

  9. My brother. He’s been worse off than me with any situation I’ve got. And he’s on top of the world now.

  10. My wife. But I also call her when I’m experiencing something fantastic too. She’s always been my go-to.

  11. Noone, I cry into my stuffed toad and once the emotial energy is expended I deal with the issue.

    Society teaches men to “break down and deal with it”, a direct translation of the Swedish expression “bryt ihop och gå vidare”.

    Society mostly see a man crying as throwing a temper tantrum, they wait for it to blow over and for the man to move on.

  12. My partner (hopefully very soon to be wife), or my mum and dad. I feel like I live a very privileged life, having quite a large support network. I can turn to most people in my life, but mum, dad, and my girlfriend are always there during the hard times. I like to think I’m there for them as well.

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