Today I got £6.10 worth of food for £4 on the co-op meal deal (pasta, drink and chocolate bar) which made me pretty happy.

What’s the most expensive combination you have managed?

  1. They should be renamed to meal ripoff’s….even at £4 that’s extortionate.

  2. I think I saw a post about Morrisons offering a salad box for their salad bar as part of their meal deal being good value.

  3. Tesco you used to be able to get £11.40 with the sub, innocent juice and the snack (I forgot which). Now half of it isn’t even in the meal deal!

  4. My go-to work lunch is the £4 Morrisons meal deal, salmon salad, innocent smoothie and del monte chopped fruit – probably about £7 individually

  5. >Hey look I got an Innocent Smoothie as part of my meal deal! They’re really expensive on their own. What a steal!

    Yeah, enjoy your 6 grapes and half a banana.

  6. Went for a meal deal the other day, and managed to get out with two electric toothbrushes and a bottle of vodka. All in all around a £100.

  7. There’s a decent size Co-op near me, it’s my closest supermarket so I pop in often.

    On the whole I find it a lot more expensive than when I do an equivalent shop at Tesco, Aldi (which are 15/20 mins away). But, occasionally they do a ‘freezer’ deal, it’s usually some Birdseye chicken burgers, fish fingers, frozen veg, bag of chips and a tub of ice cream all for £6. Whereas individually it usually tots up to £15

  8. just today, co op BLT, salted caramel kitkat chunky, and a large can of red bull.

    Came to 10.70 until the meal deal kicked in.

  9. Get the membership app/card and you’ll get it for £3.50 every time 😁

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