I kind of feel like this is something that’s said, but not really true. I’ve noticed a lot of women in their 30s at least sounding like they have options the same as in their 20s.

  1. Maybe, especially as they get deeper into their 30s, but if there’s a drop off, it’s not going to be to the point where the cupboard is bare.

  2. Not true at all

    The market of 30+ men looking to date, is just as big as those in their 20s looking to date

    Women will never have a shortage of options

  3. The options in terms of quantity for my coworkers in their 20s and mine are pretty similar. I would argue that the quality for my younger coworkers are worse.

  4. No. Most women’s access to the most desirable men drops after 30.

  5. Yes and no

    Women always have a shitload of guys hitting on them

    But in their 30s time is running out so they will slower start lowering their standards, which is why most men endup starting familues too.

    But never ever ever is there a time, where women lacks options. Competition for women is always very stiff

  6. As someone 47. I wouldn’t want to date a woman that is 20.

    No offense 20 yo but yall are like….still kids. Gross.

  7. I think my standards have changed at 39 then from my 20’s when I was married. everyone is different.

  8. I would assume so, it’s called ageing. However, they will still have more options than most men 😂

    Personally, I am not attracted to women in their 30s and beyond. I am 29M.

  9. Women always have opinions but to be honest a lot of man are looking to start families and unfortunately biological reasons they are going to look for 20 somethings.

  10. I don’t think there is a very steep drop-off in like the 30-32 range, but there is a gradual drop-off in dating options as a woman gets into her mid-30s because she starts exceeding the upper cutoff age of more and more men who are interested in having children.

    For a woman in her mid-to-late-30s to have the same dating options, she would probably need to expand the age range of men she’d consider to like the 20s on the lower end and late-40s+ on the higher end.

    It kind of comes down to math.

  11. Women’s dating options are at their highest in late teens and 20s. At 30, there is a small but almost unnoticeable decline in attention. At 35, the decline becomes noticeable and you start to feel like your “age” is starting to become a negative factor working against you. I don’t think men start to disqualify you as “too old” until 40, and even still, there are still plenty takers (that don’t want children). I don’t think women are totally discriminated against in the dating world until 50+ when they really actually start to look old. (I’m a 38F who married at 35, and have many single female friends in their late 30s and 40s. They can def still easily get dates.)

  12. It really depends what you’re looking for, at 38 I strongly prefer men without children but that might want a family. That’s a small statistical pool !

  13. As a 59F, I find I have much less opportunity than I did in my 20s, 30s and 40s, but there were plenty of opportunities during those ages in my life!

  14. Women don’t really lose options in dating if they think about it the right way.

    Men who would say that they have “lost value” because of their age might no longer be dating options.

    This isn’t a problem.

  15. I havent found that at all. I feel like I only match with good guys too mid twenties to mid thirties. Their feedback to me is that there are too many women online who don’t know what they want yet. When you are over thirty you have high expectations and ask for what you want. I wish I had this confidence in my 20s haha but dating is easier in your thirties because you are so much more aware.

  16. Your pool of men looking for young women shrinks but your pool of men looking for women in their 30s increases.

    I did notice a big drop off in potential matches but not enough to really be a big deal to me. Also was nice getting to that cutoff age so men can’t match with me just because I’m young.

    Also! Once you get to your 30s you’re catching the wave of divorces.

  17. As a 51(f) I get way more attention now than I have at any time of my life. I look better now, have more confidence now and am single now. So if we are just talking about attention, age doesn’t have much to do with it. If we are talking about looking for a spouse, then that changes things a bit. I get attention from a lot of young guys because they know i don’t want a long term relationship and nor do they. When they want one, then of course I will no longer be suitable for them.

  18. I have had a MUCH better time dating in my 30s.. I feel like the quality of men I attract has been sooooo much better. Quantity may have been higher in my 20s but the extra quantity was all terrible quality so it wasn’t a good thing 😂 😂

  19. I can’t speak for women, but I don’t even consider women under 30 if I’m looking to date. 30 is that sweet spot where you’re starting to figure things out and you’ve got a solid job, money saved up, and have had enough experience as an adult to understand how the world works. You likely are seeking for the long term and are past the casual fling phase, the partying, and unhealthy life choices (not guaranteed, just more likely).

    Think of it this way: When you’re 18, you’ve had 18 years to understand what it’s like living as a kid, and 0 years to understand what it’s like to live as an adult with responsibilities.

    That’s unattractive as hell.

    Some women can make headroom under their 30s, but I really wouldn’t go past 27 or 28. 30s and up is where it’s at.

  20. As a 45 y.o. woman, in my experience the options are the same but the quality changes. The underlying reasons for attraction switch up & knowing what you want based on life experience is the most commonly listed reason when I ask why someone wants to date me. Fighting them off w/ a Nerf bat over here.

  21. Friendship always finds options.
    Love blends time and friendship together.

    Keep positive and smile often:)

  22. Anecdotally, I’ve had a lot more options in my 30s. Happily partnered but still dealing with a lot of interest.

  23. I didn’t really date much in my teens and 20’s to be able to compare – I met my ex husband in college at 19. But since I divorced him in my late 30’s, I haven’t had an issue with dating/relationships. Sure, I’ve had some “dry” periods where I wasn’t seeing many men that I was interested in, but then other times, there will be a lot more opportunities. Mostly, I think it’s a thing that incels put out there to scare us into accepting people who treat us like bangmaids because we won’t think we can get anything better. 🤷‍♀️

  24. Really depends who you ask. There are so many factors to take into consideration. However, if you meet a good person in life and she’s the one, then age doesn’t really matter if she’s in her 30’s.

  25. My value will never decrease. Looks aren’t everything. I’m 35 and happy and voluntarily single. I’m not on dating apps and I get hit on weekly and I’m not even interested.

  26. 31F. I realized after I turned 30 that I was suddenly dating only younger guys for some reason, and I realized it was because older guys’ interest dropped off a cliff. It was like the two sides flipped completely, since in my 20s I was only getting older dudes interested in me.

    So yes in some ways your (general/royal you, unless you’re also a woman lol) options drop, especially if you’re a woman that wants to settle down and have kids. A lot of 30+ guys are still in their Peter Pan stage and they know 30+ women are way more serious about dating. Also, some have redpill views about female fertility (it goes both ways boys, male reproductive health goes down above 35) etc etc.

    I personally find the men that I attract now are higher quality than the ones I was attracting in my 20s. So I think it’s quality over quantity, the guys that filter me out based solely on the fact that I’m 30+ are just doing me a favour lol

  27. My aunt is 68 and she recently re-entered the dating scene (my uncle died 20 years ago and her oldest kid just moved out). She has gotten quite a few dates. She’s picky though.

    Hell, even at 80-something my (now late) grandma was getting dates at the senior center. There was this one gentleman she really liked who would take her for brunch every Sunday. It was so sweet.

    I think the under 30 thing is just kind of a myth guys try to convince women of to pressure them.

  28. Yes and no.

    A lot of childless guys looking for fun casual relationships or serious relationships hoping to have multiple children won’t consider dating women in their 30s. Particularly those who are parents or have been married.

    But some single fathers with multiple children who hope to have more or childless guys looking for a readymade family and calm, mature, independent working wife actively seek to date compatible women in their 30s.

    One of my friends seems to have attracted far more options in her 30s than in her teens and 20s. She’s just got engaged, is a religious traditionalist and waiting until marriage.

  29. It took a nosedive since I turned 32. How do you girls do it to get men interested in dating you? I’m 36F and I don’t have a single guy trying to take me to a date. It’s been a while for me. I wasn’t too lucky in my 20s, but always had an option or two to date. I’m not obese, workout 4-5 times a week, have a good job, own a place, I even have breast implants, nose job, and do Botox to hide my wrinkles. It feels my dating life is over and that I’m a man repellant.

  30. Not at all. I just hit my 30s and all the guys in their 20s who wanted me see me as more desirable now and men in their 30s also see me as mature enough to start a long term relationship with lol but it does depend on attraction, too

  31. I don’t know if it’s my age (37f) or just the times but I definitely feel like options have decreased

  32. I think the dating pool does shrink as you ger to your mid 30’s. Just two months ago, I was F34 and getting tones of matches on Facebook and Hinge. When I hit 35, the matches stopped coming. Something about the number 35 changed everything for me.

  33. Nah. You just have to be upfront about what you’re looking for and refuse to accept game-paying. ❤️

  34. Well women typically lose most of their value when they turn 23, just ask my man Leo

  35. Don’t believe the hype. You can have access to men at any age. It really depends on a number of factors. Your attitude, personality, and how well you take care of yourself can be a big factor. My mother is in her 70s. She is currently dating and had two boyfriends prior.

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