I’m a 21M home from college for the summer. I go to college out of state. However all of friends I made live out of state. I was treated terribly in high school so I have no friends back home and it’s terrible because I’m always bored and have nobody to hang with. I’m a bit socially awkward too but besides that, what are some things I can do to make friends back home and where to go to meet other guys my age

1 comment
  1. Do you have any hobbies? Hobby doesn’t just mean “soccer” or “NFL” – it can literally be anything. You will be surprised how hobbies can connect people. Say you love studying the Japanese language – you can make friends from those who study the same language. Or music, maybe weight lifting – the possibility is endless and does not often require money.
    It’s not a simple solution like you can make friends tomorrow because you just start studying Japanese – but as you are putting passion and effort, you are gonna wanna share the passion with others and others want to do the same way. Try !

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