What would you do if you found out your girl was infertile ?

  1. My ex couldn’t have kids, didn’t bother me. I loved her for her.

  2. I married her anyway and we adopted 3 kids.

    Edit – thank you kind stranger for the Gold.

  3. I would not mind having children someday, but honestly my girl would come first. If she could not have them that’d be okay. I would not think any less of her or dump her for someone more fertile.

  4. Got married mid 20’s, she quickly after got diagnosed with cancer, total hysterectomy and a fight to stay alive for a while. 10 years later… never once thought about her being infertile except when people ask me stuff like this. If you really love her, you’ll never ask this question.

    And the raw dogging thing too

  5. I’d be devastated, but try to support her as much as I can and we’d discuss alternative options.

  6. I would love her as much after finding out as I did before finding out. This would change nothing.

  7. I’d shower her with love and listen to her when she wants to talk and slowly try to reinvigorate her spirit until she’s at peace with it.

  8. It wouldn’t be a dealbreaker – I mean, unlimited cream pies? Sounds good to me. 🤣

    Jokes aside though, if she wanted kids, adoption is a thing. I know that it hurts many women when they learn that they can’t have kids, but I promise you that if you are one of those women – it’s okay. Families don’t have to be blood. 🖤

  9. Would be great. Neither of us want kids. No more condoms or contraceptives.

  10. The girl I’m talking to has a hormonal imbalance and probably won’t ever have kids. I like her a lot, and I plan to foster anyway, so if things progress that far it won’t be a problem for me

  11. As someone who doesn’t want children, I’d feel sorry for her. Yes, it is a choice to have kids, but not having the choice at all seems bad. Comfort her, talk with her about it, even if dosen’t want children as well. Having a choice like this taking from seems like something that’d affect my partner’s mental state.

    But I’m single, so idk I guess.

  12. jump with joy because I don’t want kids so it’s creampies for dayyyyssssss

  13. Since I don’t want kids, it would be fine. No more contraception needed!

  14. Wouldn’t matter to me. I’d rather enjoy life with her and not bring kids into this world to suffer. If she truly want kids still we could adopt. I say that but I’m fine with just living life to the fullest with her and using the all that extra money for adventures

  15. A woman’s worth is not in her fertility. If I found out she was infertile, so what? I love her for her not her ability to produce a child.

  16. Loved her when she was fertile. Loved her when we miscarriaged twice. Loved her when she got breast cancer. Loved her when she had a total hysterectomy in her 20’s. Loved her when she was infertile. Loved her when we civil unioned to get on my insurance. Loved her when she was going through cancer treatment. Loved her when she told me she couldn’t give me what I wanted and to find someone else. Loved her when she was cured. Loved her when 10 years of her life was taken away from her. Loved her when we “divorced” because she didn’t need my insurance anymore and wanted to try doing it on her own with my support from time to time. Loved her when she got her GED at 33. Loved her when she just got her drivers license at 35. Loved her when I told her to go see the world like I did and to F around just like I did when she said she couldn’t give me what I wanted. Loved her when she was on her own. Loved her when she comes back. And continue to love her in whatever she chooses to do, whether it be with or without me.

  17. Internally, I’d celebrate. I’ve never wanted kids (she’s known since day 1) and she’s been a fence sitter.

    Externally I’d provide her whatever support she needed

  18. It turned out, we both were.

    Modern medicine can still work wonders, we now have two kids.

  19. I did, it was sad for us both, but I wanted to be with her because I loved her for who she was, not what may or may not have eventuated in the future.

    Married 20 odd years now, life is different when you don’t have a family, but we have travelled a lot, both done well at work & still enjoy other people’s kids & nieces, you never know how life will turn out, you just have to make the most of what you’ve been given & enjoy it, I feel blessed to have a good Mrs

  20. Love her regardless because I didn’t marry my wife for her ability to give me kids. I married my wife cause she’s a badass and my best friend.

  21. **Hug her.**

    Even a lady who doesn’t want children, being aware she can’t even if she’d want to, can be beyond painful and scary, quite a shock.

    Thinking of someone who actually wants them, …. that’ll probably be like a pain that keeps on paining, that every now and then comes to memory and hurts a big deal, it probably feels like losing someone, someone you can’t even explain you lost and are hurting about, as that person never even got the chance to be..!

    So, yeah. I’d hug her. And ask how it makes her feel, so she can feel safe verbalizing and externalizing that pain, even if it’s just tearful moans of emotional pain coming out between sobs 😔

    Then I’d let her know it doesn’t change anything about how I feel, that no matter what, we deal with it together, and find solutions together, as long as she also wants me

    As much as it might hurt me, her pain would most likely be immeasurable, in comparison …. and her knowing that no matter what it is, we can face it together, is important

  22. My wife had cervical cancer. Had a hysterectomy.

    Right after I had a vasectomy.

    She’s not a baby factory,, she’s the woman I love. All about that raw dog life.

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