Hello All,

I have had this habit for a while of looking in a general direction of a person ( not directly looking at them however) but we end up making accidental eye contact and it has happened numerous times. I’m not trying to look at these individuals, often times I end up staring down an area when I’m in deep though about something, it could be in their area and they end up making eye contact with me?

I’ve had this happen multiple times and it has caused a lot of misunderstandings as the individuals think I’m staring at them because I’m interested in them ( when I’m not at all).

Has anyone else experienced this before? Or just frequent accident eye contact with people?

  1. It happens, though I’m not sure why , it could be something very unconscious .

    How to handle it ? I don’t know
    Depends on whether they are pissed and already ignoring you or they are angry enough to approach you .

  2. Pretend you’re trying to look at something behind them! Lean around to one side like if they’re blocking your view. This works best if its the first time you’ve made eye contact, and if you’re both relatively stationary. But you can try it more than once if all else fails lol.

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