I personally don’t see this in real life and I don’t think a woman dating a man her father’s age does take him seriously and for a LT thing.

Though I’ve seen many old men claim that young women want them and that young men are useless and lazy. Is it an agenda or movement thing on social media or what?

Edit: I want young women to answer this please. Don’t want the pressed old men.

  1. You’re gonna get nothing but *very* upset old dudes in here telling you it’s 100% fine and a “fact of life”, unlikely you’ll get (m)any women commenting to confirm they do indeed do so.

    I’m guessing that’s a combination of factors – the primary one being the type of girl who does isn’t likely to post/comment on Reddit?

    Social media (particularly the more nerdy social media) isn’t really the place you’d find them – maybe on Instagram.

    But I can’t imagine there are many shitposters who are also essentially “hot” teenage girls that would be being picked up by predatory dudes.

  2. I’m a woman in my 30s, prefer older guys. But I do know a lot of girls in their early, mid, late 20s who are family, friends, coworkers… I’d say a majority of the early 20 somethings girls I know personally who are single or in relationships, they consider “older guys” like 5-10 years older. Which makes sense because a 20F/25M is a much bigger age gap than 25F/30M or 30F/35M because people change and grow as people a lot when they’re younger so the years are just bigger.

    That being said, maybe half? of the girls I know have had at least 1 experience (dating or relationship) with a much older guy (like 15+ years older or her dad’s age), but from the girls I know personally, they always describe it as “that older guy I dated once,” something they do or try just because they can, but not a routine thing they always do. Sure they get attention from the much older guys, but at least from the girls I know *personally* they’re flattered maybe, but usually not interested unless the girl has an agenda or the older guy is really pulling out all the stops to get her.

    I know a handful of girls who routinely use their youth and looks to go after the older guys for their money and status if they have it. Sure. But IMO it’s not an “all young women do this” kind of thing.

    I guess I’d suggest asking yourself where you’re getting this info from.

    If you’re a 60 year old guy and you only date women in their early 20s… They’re only telling you about the 20s girls who want them back and are interested in that dynamic. And what do those guys have to gain by sh*tting on the young guys (the same age as the women they want to date) with their whole lives ahead of them and making them feel bad? Do you really want to be taking advice or criticism from them?

    Anyway. Just life YOUR life and make the best of it.

  3. I think older men who never settled down get this “itch” to be fathers and spread their seed in their late 40’s / early 50’s even though they have not put time and energy into finding a stable life partner and growing a solid foundation for a family. This idea of finding a 25- 35 y/o woman (or younger) to date or marry quickly and pop out a kid is almost a comforting thought for these men… They think they always have this option in their back pocket which allows them to continue living the bachelor life they want, while having a false sense of security they can quickly find this young woman in a pinch to have that offspring they might want. In reality, it’s really not the case. The only older men who can live the bachelor life into their late 40’s and 50’s and beyond are the super successful and wealthy men. They definitely have more of a chance of attracting that younger “trophy wife” whereas the average older man thinks he can do that, but in reality why would young women be attracted to that as opposed to a man closer to their own age? As women become more independent in society overall, we are going to see this stereotype of the younger women with the older man become less and less of a reflection of reality. Hope this helps shed some light.

  4. Nope, not doing so – and I don’t know any other young women my age doing so (21-23 year range).

    All of my friends, girls at university and such I know are dating dudes our age. Don’t know a single girl that’s dating a dude more than 5 years older, much less 10+.

  5. 23F here and hell no. I want to be with someone around my age, so no more than 2 years older or younger.

  6. I prefer younger men tbh, but I am more the exception. Most women around me date only slightly older

  7. I’m 26 now and only date up to like 33, past that they go on about how young I am which is weird af. When I was younger I didn’t date anyone past like 27

  8. I am a 23 year old woman, and I don’t really date men past the age of 26/27. Even that feels a little too old for me. I just had a guy like me on hinge, and when I realized that he was 36, I immediately made my age range of 21-25 a deal breaker.

    I’m curious about dating people outside of who I usually date, but I really only see dating people in their late 20’s – 30’s as a mini experiment. I definitely don’t want anything serious or long-term term with someone much older

  9. I’m 25 so I don’t count as early 20’s but when I was in my early 20’s older men used to hit on me and I used to be so disgusted ! I don’t like dealing with men way older than me ! I only like dudes around my age !

  10. I’m not in my early 20’s but my dating range is 3-10 years older. It was different when I was 21 when I used to get hit on by 30 year old co-workers or those nearing their 30s. Mentally those men were a bit stuck in their early twenties although they are earning more and have more responsibilities. I’ve also had 25-28 year old co-workers who would act more like a 30 year old.

    I’m turning 26 and would say my dating goals have shifted (Long-term and marriage). I still prefer older guys since that’s most likely where I can find someone with similar dating goals.

  11. I am a 32 year old man. I often get hit on and sometimes picked up by girls in their early 20s, but is never to date. Just to have sex and be FWB. If anything I often see these girls on actual dates with people their age. I am just a novelty to them. I am okay with it

  12. I literally never saw it aside of some rare instances when an older man is very rich so he get a gf/lover who’s there for the benefits and perhaps when it comes to people in some kind of cult.

    However, the age of consent in my country is 14yo, so these *women* often times aren’t even women in early 20’s but actual girls of 15-17yo…which is ofc even worse..Either way, no young woman/teen genuinely desire some 40+yo guy.

  13. 27 going to be 28 I will only go a year or two younger possibly I try not to. But, older 5-7years is my range.

  14. 23F and yes, but only if they look young enough and don’t see me as a fling

  15. i’m a 25yr old woman, and i traditionally dated guys between my own age and five ish years older than myself between college and now. my current bf is 23, and i’m the happiest i’ve ever been in a relationship.

    my ex husband is six years older than i am, and he’s the largest gap for sure. he and i were both doing our undergrad at the same time, though, so we were at a similar place in life – i wasn’t with him for status or money or any bullshit like that. we went into and came out of the marriage equally broke, lol.

  16. Nope I don’t, I’m 20 and oldest I’ve actually dated was 23, I did go on a date with a 25 year old thought never meet someone so immature in my life lol. Non of my friends or people I know date older men, I do know one girl that dated an older man thinking he would be her sugar daddy lol that backfired turns out he was even broker than her.

  17. I’m 36M and since I was about 33 to now have been with women 22-25 every so often. Nothing serious though, mostly just hookups and situationships. But, I feel like we both know going in that’s the case. Never gone past that which I don’t mind either

  18. i wouldn’t say dated but i have grabbed drinks or dinner with some older guys

  19. I dated a couple in my early 20s. It wasn’t intentional, but they were the only ones who were interested in me (for the wrong reasons) and asked me out. I didn’t want them or anyone older really, it was just “what I could get” since guys my age weren’t interested.

    I definitely like some “older” (10-15 years) actors, but its weird because you might initially find them attractive from material that they made at your age and not necessarily what age they are now.

  20. I don’t know any women who want much older men. I would never had dated or married a man with a family from a previous marriage. That gets a lot of hate from posters, but it’s my life, my choices, not theirs. I do not care if it’s offensive to single parents.

  21. No I’m 24 and I’m just not attracted to old men. Statistically women in their 20s prefer men in their 20s who are slightly older like a year two or three.

  22. 25F and I’d be okay with dating someone up to 6,7 years older than I am. I have no interest in anyone older lol.

  23. I think it’s weird and just social media BS. No one cares about them in real life. 🙄

  24. As a 30 year old guy, I get approached almost exclusively by women ages 21-25

  25. I’m 27 and personally attracted to an older man and Would want something LT with someone.

  26. When I was 20, I went out with a 32 year old. It sucked ass and I swore I would never do it again. Now I am 24, and I say I’ll do 22-28.

  27. I never considered younger & date older… but like by 1-3 years.

    Even then, I dated 23yo at 20 and we were at such different stages of life because of me being in full time education that it just didn’t work

  28. Nope!

    There might be a few older celebrities who I crush over, but that’s it. I would never date an older man irl. There’s too much of a generational difference. And I’d fear that he’s taking advantage of me. I think the oldest I’d date is someone 10 yrs older. But that’s honestly stretching it. Because I know I’ll change so much throughout my 20s. In the future, I’ll probably see myself at the age I am now, as so young and immature. So why would a 30 yr old want to get with someone my age unless they’re looking for side candy or someone who they think they can control?

    The thing with celeb crushes though, is they’re just for fun. Nothing will ever come if it. It’s more, “I liked him in this movie or that tv show, Aw he’s so handsome”.

  29. The oldest i would actually date is like 25. I was just told by an older man, he’s like 37 that he thought we would’ve been together by now and i think that is clear delusions on his part. I have never once shown a lick of interest.

  30. As someone nearing my mid 20s, I’m only attracted to men in their 20s. And this was always the case even in my early 20s.

    I can only imagine 30s and up being desirable if wanting to marry into wealth or something

  31. Yes, I’m 20 and I like older guys, I’m dating one now, he’s not that old though he’s 39.

  32. Almost 20 and I do not plan on dating anyone who’s older than a couple years than me if at all.

    I don’t want to worry about dating too much, but as a person with ASD I definitely don’t want to be taken advantage of and the risk of SA is much higher for autistic women, so I want to be extra careful about who I date in the future to prevent becoming a statistic.

    To be honest I find anything older than a 10 year age gap between partners to be gross and unappealing. I would be most worried about an uneven power dynamic in a relationship that could prevent me from leaving a toxic relationship. So, no, I would not really date an older guy as it’s a safety issue for myself.

  33. 24 F, my step dad is 29, I don’t date older bc I feel like it would be awkward

  34. Im 25 now but when i was younger i dated a few guys my fathers age or older but it was a sugar daddy situation. So definitely wasnt serious.

  35. I’m not in my 20s any longer but when I was old men hitting on me was just creepy. I was interested in men my age or a couple of years older, not in their 30s or 40s.

  36. Former young woman who dated a man her father’s age.

    He was a lying, emotionally manipulative and abusive sack of shit.

    Do not recommend. I did not get any benefits from this relationship other than a “this guy’s a creep” radar.

    Now, why did I date him. He flattered me. He heavily pursued me. He lied about his position at work and sold me on things that did not come true (comic con, movie stuff, etc).

    The only reason it lasted as long as it did was that I got seriously injured and fell into depression.

    I lost myself, and if he were a good man he would have helped lift me back up to who I was instead of taking that time to try to reprogram me to wear makeup and heels and bullshit.

  37. As a women in my early 20’s I have no idea where you would go to meet old men lol! It just seems so ridiculous, maybe it’s cause we’re in different stages of life but I never really have conversations with older men (parent’s age) outside of work.

    The same could be said with my friend group. We talked about how a few years can make a big difference. Like 5 years ago, we were still in high school so it was pretty ridiculous to even think about dating a guy 5 years younger. If we flip the coins, it would also seem pretty ridiculous to date someone way older and in a different stage in life.

    I think media tends to exaggerate it so they can evoke some kind of emotion out of people.

  38. I’m f25, yes. I have only ever dated and been seriously attracted to men, 20-30 years older. Ever since high-school, but I waited until I turned 21, to go that much older.

  39. My grandpa 40M got with my grandma 20F back in the day probably around the 1960s. My grandpa was always a very mature and wise man. I look up to him like a second father. My dad was an alcoholic so it was hard to talk to him about life issues. My grandpa was always there for me and idk I feel like age is just a number! My grandparents were married for 50+ years. Extremely happy and content I’ve never seen them fight or even bicker! They were best friends until my grandpa passed away a few years ago at the age of 91. If I find someone out there in life that makes me smile from the inside out idc what age they are, could be 25 or 45 years old.

  40. I’m 23 and honestly i’ve always dated guys older than me. I’ve only dated 2 guys my age and that was back in middle and high school. I’ve always been attracted to guys in their 30/40s.

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