So I’ve been going on 2 years focusing on my physical fitness, skin care regime and positive mindset thinking because I was tired of who I was then. Now, everyone’s been basking me with attention with these drastic changes I’ve made for myself. I feel great and after being selfishly single for an eternal part of my 20s I finally am ready to see what’s out there.

12 days ago I got the courage to ask the girl I’ve been heart-eyed for a month now at the work cafeteria. I tried to be suave about my approach and asked her for her number as she was leaving the checkout line. I was kinda nervous and quietly breathed a sigh of relief when she did! She made her presence known to me first because she had this genuine smile, subtle wave and welcoming aura directed at my gaze when I had seen her walking by the glass wall door. And ever since then, I had been crushing on her at this new place I’m at hence why I decided to make the move.


I waited an hour after and I reiterated to her that she was the most attractive girl in her building and how nice it was to finally get her name at least. Of course, I played the wait game and had thoughts running up and down about whether it was a fake number, that she was busy or didn’t like me enough.

The next day, she texts me back saying how she loved the compliment but had this to say: she had recently broken up with her ex and isn’t looking for now and that she would look forward to “see[ing] me around”.

Given that we work next door, I had to find out more and thanks to my connection I did after I had texted her. I simply told her that I respect her stance and despite what she may be going through that she was always welcomed to hang out with me to at least get to know one another as work neighbors. So that was that!

Friday, I decide to do some shopping and get the genius idea of buying her something to remember me for. I settle on starbursts, a starbucks giftcard and chocolate truffles. The next day, I go into work and leave a kind note about enjoying these treats to snack on for break and drop it off with the guard.

Again, I play the waiting game thinking about all these scenarios for which killed me all day but still had this smiling hope in me inside. After getting off work, I get this text message and sure enough it’s her!!

She loved the gesture saying how sweet it was. I replied back 20 minutes later to not be so in her space saying how I was glad she liked it and just wished her good luck tmw (today).

My connection said that she is fun to be around and such a great person. He is someone I’ve known for 9 years and knows about my interest for her. The only thing he did specify was that she was engaged and things were called off. Again I’m not trying to be too involved or invest myself with her if now is not the time or if at all. But I secretly envision her being my summer gf and beyond if it even happens because lately horoscopes have eerily been on my side -so better hope july or august. My buddy says he would play the wingman but we’ll see as he’s off to maternity leave with the wife very soon…

I’m thinking about swinging by her building and saying hi and all that while she’s there to keep it going. And maybe propose the idea of going on a dinner date after or hang out during lunch first for some coffee. That’s where I’m at currently with how things have been and really want opinions and thoughts.

1 comment
  1. Yeah man I say take it slow don’t be too enthusiastic but be genuine and simply ask if you and her can hang out at some place with a specific time and date in mind.

    From the sounds of things she seems on the road to be open to you but she’s healing. Give her time and respect it.

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