I met this girl online a week ago and we have been on 2 dog walk dates and just hugged at the end. She invited me over to her place to have dinner for the third and we seem to connect well, and had good conversations but there didn’t seem like any good chances to kiss her. After dinner she asked to go for another dog walk sometime and we just hugged and I left. Am I slowly pushing myself into the friend zone by not kissing her?

  1. You need to make a move and live with the results. She’s not going to throw herself at you.

  2. You literally tell her I feel like I want to kiss you…. like what thecfuck is wrong with you

  3. Maybe just be blunt and ask her what her intentions are before you really do get friendzone.
    “ Hey, can I ask you something”
    “ What are you’re intentions with me, do you see us as more than just friend”

    Also learn how to flirt, I can give you a link if you want.

  4. Definitely, you need to proceed to kiss, work up physically. Leg touch, shoulder rub, fix hair, at end of date during hug act like you are going in for kiss , turn and whisper something in her ear like you had a great night and turn towards her and boom. Be more masculine and push physicality or she won’t respect you as a man. Shell say no when she wants to to stop and you respect that. 👌🏻

  5. Its a pretty difficult one – I’ve just started dating again after 3 years single, and a 10 year marriage before that, so I’m basically a total newb with it, and awkward AF. I’ve just been on 4 dates with a woman I really like, and on the 4th one it was to her place to watch a movie one night. You’ve got to assume if she is wanting to spend time with you AND inviting you to her house that she is interested in you.

    For me, like you, the first 3 dates ended in just hugs, but I could sense they were getting more meaningful. The first date, a dinner, it was an awkward hug, like two acquaintenances. The second date, was a movie and a better hug at the end, with her saying “talk to you soon”. It was still quick though.

    The third date where we spent like 9 hours together, ended in a hug where she pulled me in
    close and held me tight before leaving.

    I’m pretty unsure of much to do with dating given my recent history, and a horrific marriage to a narcissist – but when I said “bye” after the 4th date, we both went in for a kiss, and made out a bit. During the movie, she kept making sure our legs were touching, so I kind of had some signals from her.

    If I was you, on your next date, if there aren’t any opportunities, then just go in for it when you say bye. Another option is to have a talk about stuff on the date – like ask her what she is looking for – that may lead to her sending some signals that she is looking for someone like you – and at that point you could ask “is it ok if I kiss you”?

  6. You could always ask? The potential of looking like a weirdo by asking is extremely low and a lot of people see it as cute, respectful, and shows you value consent, as you should.

    Or instead of even asking for a kiss, just ask what she wants and what her expectations are if your worried about being friend zoned already.

    You can either take the 0.0001% chance of looking like a weirdo by asking or go for a kiss when she isn’t interested and ruin your chances altogether.

  7. Sounds like your communication sucks. Be bold. Don’t hold back but also respect boundaries.

  8. All of folks problems on Reddit would be resolved if they stopped asking Reddit the same questions they wanna ask the person they actually want an answer from.

  9. The moment has to feel right, you said she hugged you really tight on the last date, at that moment tell her “I really want to kiss you” then you can gauge her reaktion.

    Personaly I(24m) don’t like to kiss on the first few dates with somebody I just meet, but everyone is different. Some people are just different.

    Good luck.

  10. As her if she likes you romantically or not and if she says she does take her out to dinner then kiss her, you’ll thank me later

  11. I was in the same situation literally a year ago.

    Went on several dates with a girl, each better than the last. Thought she was hilarious, loved spending time with her. Only hugged her across all dates.

    One of those times, we were laying in my bed, in the dark, just talking. Eventually we stop and she’s just there, gently rubbing my arm with her thumb while holding it.

    Guess what I did? Literally nothing. Absolutely nothing.

    Had one more date, then both left for the summer.

    Broke things off in the middle of the summer because I asked what she was looking for, she said she didn’t know.

    Now I wonder what it could’ve led to if I had at the very least just asked if I could kiss her. Sure we might not have ended up being in a relationship, but *at least I wouldn’t have been left wondering what would’ve happened*.

    Heed my advice. Make a move. You’re either digging your own grave, stuff may eventually fizzle out (my situation), or you may get very lucky and she’ll initiate. Don’t count on the last possibility. Go for it, please.

  12. Maybe take her somewhere. Even it’s it’s inexpensive, make it known you’re interested in more than just hanging out

  13. Keep up the good work homie I know people with worse stats but they are still trying 👍

  14. Sometimes it’s awkward like that and the ‘perfect moment’ to kiss her never comes. If the situation doesn’t present itself, you make to make it happen even if that requires you to ask her if you can kiss her. If you do end up having a 4th date, make sure you kiss her at the end of it, even if you have to ask for her permission. If she refuses, there’s your answer.

  15. Walking dogs and the woman buying all The food and putting in the work to make the food….can’t say the girl’s a gold digger

  16. Next time the hug opportunity arrives, move in for a kiss. She’s giving you the signals she’s interested so stop waiting for an engraved invitation.

  17. Naw.

    If she likes you then it may make her want you more as tension builds.

    I wouldn’t say you’re ruining it by not kissing. I would have a movie night and start caressing her entire body

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