So I’m preparing to have sex for the first time after getting out of a long term relationship. In that relationship, I was on birth control and we were both tested, so we didn’t use condoms. Oral sex was a huge part of our sex life and something I’ve been told I’m very good at. I don’t know if I’ve ever had sex without oral as foreplay.

Now, with this new, casual partner, I want to use protection, and I know STIs can be transmitted orally. So I guess I’m asking how to make sex enjoyable for me and my new sexual partner if we can’t do oral? Or should I give him head over a condom? Do people using condoms just get a little handsy then go straight to penetration? Thanks!

TLDR; using condoms for the first time and don’t want to transmit STIs orally. How to have good sex and foreplay without oral sex?

  1. most people dont use condoms with oral fwiw, ive never been with a woman who used one including many one night stands. not saying its not a good idea though!

  2. Firstly I’ve absolutely heard of people using condoms with oral(that’s why there are flavored condoms) but if you’re not comfortable with that then maybe just a slow handjob would be enough.

  3. Oral on someone you don’t know whether they are clean is risky for STI’s. I love giving oral but any new relationship for me I refrain from doing it in the beginning until I know they are clean. Definitely just hands and penetration, making out etc. early on. But if you have to do oral there is things for that such as flavored conforms and dental dams

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