How should I approach the following

Alright y’all, buckle up it’s a long one- very inexperienced dating question.

TW/ mention of s*x hetero relationship. Hook up

So I ( 27f) matched with this guy (28m) back in January/feb.

We met up a few times and literally the best connection I’ve ever had. I was definitely feeling like this person is destined to be my person just based on how we interacted. It felt super natural different from even my ex.

He went Mia for a little bit i later found out that withdrawing is how he was handling some really shitty circumstances.

Now. We have different work schedules and he has kids (important bc a big part of why we don’t hang out more has always been the kids). I’ve been into a position where we are both off during the day (when he doesn’t have his kids) and on these days he will often stop by. It’s been kinda flirty but mostly friendly vibes. I was sad for a bit but have shifted to a “it will be what it’s meant to be” mindset.

Now today he was drinking enough to be a little tipsy but *not* drunk. And made the comment that “I hate drinking bc it makes me h***y.”

Am I bugging or did that sound like it may have been fishing for a “come over” message.

Either way now I’m wondering how (or if I should bring up like a “what are we doing” conversation- in my mind this conversation would be me saying something along the lines of “you know I like you, right? And where are YOU. )

Truthfully I DO like him but have been ok just hanging out AND I DONT need him to say he like la me, but maybe that he’s ok hooking up (which I am ok with) That message just kind of threw me bc as a straight female (he is a cis male as well) I can’t imagine telling a straight guy that unless I was trying to get in his pants. Early on when we matched we had agreed that while we’d both like a relation we also understand that these things grow and can’t be rushed.

He’ll probably stop by tomorrow and I can’t decide if I should do a “hey, out of curiosity we’re you waiting for an invite yesterday when you said xyz” or if I should just let it play out and pretend yesterday didn’t happen

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