My penis size is putting me in a bad headspace regarding future relationships. My dick size is around average length, just over 5 inches, but my girth is very thin at 4.2 inches.
Over the last year, knowing that I’ve got small girth has made me start watching cuckolding and sph porn. I fucking hate it because I know I don’t enjoy it and it’s something I never want to do, but it seems like that’s the only way I can have a future relationship is by a open relationship or cuckolding, especially the way society is going with glorifying cheating,body shaming men (penis size) and hook up culture (nothing wrong with hooking up). I need advice to remove this from my life and get these thoughts out of my head, because why the fuck will I want to share my future partner.

  1. You know, you can pleasure your partner in other ways besides using your penis right?

  2. Have you never been with a woman before? It seems like you haven’t

    Because if you had been, you’d know there’s actually very little wrong with your penis size and that there are plenty of other methods that women like to be pleasured by

  3. Ok step 1. Stop trying to measure up to porn… 99.8% of us can’t. Step 2. Realise that most women aren’t size queens and don’t want something that’s going to rearrange their tonsils. Step 3. Get out there and accept what you can’t change… and if a girl is so shallow as to kick you to the kerb because of the size of your dangler then she’s a POS and not worth being around. Step 4. Do some biological research and discover that most vaginal depths are 5-6 inches maximum and anymore is a waste. Step 5. Learn to use your fingers, tongue and lips bud… warm ’em up right to start and you’re 85% of the way there….

    Get out of your head mate and get into some strange

  4. Honestly, get over yourself. All women know that it’s the “motion of the ocean” that matters. You can please any partner in multiple other ways than just with your penis, and you should. Any partner should also be completely okay with whatever your penis size is, what it looks like, uncircumcised or not, and if you are finding people who care about this more than actually being with you, you’re not looking for the right people.

    I have had sex with many men and what makes the sex the most enjoyable is when the passion and feelings are there. The foreplay build up, the teasing, making your partner want nothing more in that moment than you, regardless of what is in your pants.

  5. Porn is perceived reality my guy. Here in the real world you are normal just like the rest of us guys. Yes there are always the exception to the rule. If a woman loves you then your size really does not matter. If you’re good with the hands and oral it’s pretty much smooth sailing. I can only speak for myself but I’ve known plenty of women that claimed they want a man with a big dick are actually the ones with little to no sexual experiences. I’d say stop with the porn and social media also. And just live in the real world and stick with your life goals and learn to have that “ fuck ‘em’” attitude. You’ll be better for yourself in the long run.

  6. You’re doing it to yourself. Your dick is fine. You’re on the low side of average size which is not at all a problem according to basically everyone, even if you’re mediocre everywhere else. So, get better everywhere else. Learn to become a better lover and stop fucking around with porn. It’s ruining you for no reason. Avoid it. It’s not real life.

    Same shit happens with women and plastic surgery. Pump up those tits, plump up those lips, and fuck around putting silicone balloons in your ass. It’s all pretty fucked up.

  7. LOL, it’s not always about the size. I had experience with man who had really thick and big ones and this was more horrible than with smaller ones. At least the small ones don’t hurt. I have a friend that prefers little and thin ones , because sex is hurting her a lot in general.

    There are women for u that like u how you are.

  8. Everybody thinks that.

    I would suggest therapy. Honestly, I was in therapy for ten years and now everything is gonna be okay.

    May you find peace and happiness.

  9. Your personality and your self-esteem is the thinnest part about you. If you work on those, your dick size won’t matter so much anymore.

  10. Alright man. It sounds like you are watching a lot of porn and it is creating unrealistic expectations for you. Real-life sex is not porn, trust me. So watch less porn, that will help you out a lot. I used to feel the same way and porn really… really fucks with your head in terms of what sex actually looks like.


    As for having a small dick, there is nothing wrong with that. Believe it or not, there are women that don’t mind and even like smaller dicks. There is much more to sex than your dick size. Sex is a whole experience and things like foreplay, sexy massages, dirty talk, and oral sex exist. Don’t focus on your weaknesses, but focus on your strengths and other ways you can pleasure a woman.

  11. You’ve obviously not heard of endometriosis and the excruciating pain it can cause women during sex. I WISH I could screen penis size before dating lmao. The smaller, the better!

  12. I’ve had boyfriends of wildly varying sizes, from the frankly massive, to the much smaller. None of that mattered to me. What turned me on was the *man*, not his dick.

    I’ve never had an orgasm caused by a penis alone: but this hardly makes me frigid. I’ve had so many multiple orgasms that I’ve had to beg my partner to stop because I genuinely thought I’d have a heart attack. That was cunnilingus. But this was just one technique that has given me pleasure.

    In any case, sex is one thing: emotional connection and eroticism is another. Stop consuming porn and concentrate on real, valuable human sexuality. You will enjoy discovering how to pleasure a woman (and yourself)-and you will look back on your insecurity about penis size for what it is. An immature phase that you need to grow out of.

  13. I’m a woman, and I prefer penises on the smaller side of normal. I’ve been with one guy who had a 7.5 inch penis with considerable girth, and it was extremely painful. I actually got a small tear in my vaginal wall near the opening that bled for two days, the tear got infected by day three, and I ended up in the hospital on IV antibiotics. Then I was with a guy who had a micro penis that was so small, like 2 inches at most, I couldn’t feel it at all, and he came in about a minute. Now that’s a guy I really feel bad for. At least he was great with his hands. So 5 inches, the smaller side of normal, is great in my opinion. Yeah, modern media likes to glorify men with bigger penises, but real women prefer average penises. I listen to songs like My Type on the radio and think, “Oh no, no, no, girl! Definitely not mine!”

  14. Hey man. I am very open with girls I date. So this info is genuine from conversations I’ve had.

    Every single one of the girls I’ve been with has told me she’d been with at least one guy with a significantly smaller than average penis. Two of them had dated men with a micropenis.

    They didn’t care. They don’t judge like men do unless they are shallow.

    In fact, the only complaint I’ve heard regarding penis size was about one guy who had a huge dick.

    It didn’t work and was too big when it did.

    It’s hard to realize that most men don’t have big dicks. It’s just not something out society makes easy to understand.

    My exes were normal, great, beautiful women. They didn’t care about their exes penis sizes.

    Focus on understanding what your partner likes and you can achieve anything you want in bed.

    Own who YOU are. YOU have value way beyond this crap. If a girl cares about that shit, who gives a crap? She doesn’t deserve YOUR value.

  15. Quit watching porn. Pour your energy into doing things you love, hobbies, nature, crafts, music, carpentry, kayaking, learn new skills, take a cooking class, workout and feel good about your body, whatever… that’s what builds your self esteem and makes you feel whole. Eat whole foods. Breathe fresh air. Say hi to dogs and cats.

  16. I have made fun of one guy for having a small dick. The only reason I did so is because he came into the room I was in and just dropped his pants. I pointed at his dick said something along the lines of “yeah right. I don’t think so” while laughing. I was dating his friend at the time and I was napping in the spare bedroom. I never would have laughed at him had the situation been consensual.

    Your girth is just barely below average and honestly shouldn’t affect your sex life. Alot of women don’t orgasm from penetration alone. So work on your other skills and you’ll be more than fine.

  17. Stop watching that type of porn before you make this complex even worse

  18. It seems like to me you have an unhealthy relationship with porn and sex. Average in the US is smaller than that. Also there’s lots of ways to make a woman happy. The majority of women can’t cum from penetration alone. It’s just not a thing that happens regularly for most ladies no matter the size.

    I recommend you stop watching porn especially that kind!

  19. I think you need to walk away from the internet and all it’s porn and go and check in with real life

  20. Everyone wants a big d!ck till they get one, then it’s hurts after a while, at least that was the case with me. I’d rather have an average/small size penis over a larger (6″+) any day.

  21. I don’t think penis size is a deal-breaker for most women. And if it is, well then they’re definitely not worth your time.

  22. Sir stop caring. Eat peanuts, Fish oil, Kefir, Acacia berries, blueberries, Watermelon, Pineapple, Mangos, Ashwaghanda, etc and work out. Do kegel exercises and work out. I stopped working out but I do Kegels and Semen retention then I reset to see where I am at because I know me. Sex is in the mind the more you dgaf about her the longer you last. The more you care the shorter the time due to performance anxiety. It’s up to y’all how you figure that out. Also there is no shame in quickies women find more shame in the fat that she can’t make you nut and trust me I’ve had that where I had to think of someone else to get off or just end it so it is what it is. You are failing the shit test by letting that bother you. It’s ok to be nothing but what you are but work towards your best form is all. Work towards it and it’ll happen that these issues will dwindle.

  23. Good news: men care *far* more about dick size than women do. Unless you have a micropenis, your li’l dude is unlikely to figure much into a woman’s decision to date you seriously. (And even those guys have relationships, so.)

    Having less girth can be a feature, not a bug: you might be more likely to have anal, for instance.

    If you want to throw a toy into the mix, there are silicon penis sleeves to enhance your girth and her sensation. Yes, it cuts down considerably on *your* sensation, but that’s part of the scene.

    I wish there wasn’t so much toxicity and body-shaming around muscles, abs, and dick size. In general, honestly?- every body is a good body. Your skill as a lover and worthiness as a partner has extremely little to do with your physical apparatus, trust.

  24. I have been in love with a man with a smaller penis. Infact, he ended up needing several surgeries on his penis (scar tissue in urethra causing kidney failure) and a skin graft from the inside of his cheek that changed the shape of it after. We have hooked up before and after the surgery, and i still enjoyed myself because the emotional connection was there. I think passion, connection, talking openly to your partner about your insecurities is important. Finding other kinks that can increase pleasure for both of you rather than through genital stimulation. There are so so so many. Im thinking shabari, massage, violet wand, etc. There is also oral and toys. You can bring your partner pleasure in many ways, and your penis is perfect how it is.

    I have chronic illness that has put me in the hospital dozens of times since i was a kid. I need to have my whole large intestine removed. Im going to have a big scar up my stomach one day. These chronic health conditions led me to have a prolapse really young (early 30s). When guys see the skin tag i have from dealing with this they always assume i just loved anal sex and havent spent half my life in a hospital.

    Like dude, i WISH it was from this!

    So before i sleep with a guy i wait until I am comfortable to tell him about the things going on with my body/health that make me insecure, after we talk about it i feel safe and more connected.

    Personally, of all my lovers – i think of “smaller penis” guy the most – because the connection was soo good.

  25. Stop watching porn for sure, dude. Mine is larger than average. One short woman declined sex because she had sex with someone my size and said it was a hard pass for her. I thought it was small because I compared it to the biggest dicks in porn, like the 10+ inchers. It skews your view of what’s real and what’s normal. It’s all a perspective. There’s also so many ways to pleasure a woman that doesn’t involve your dick. In my opinion, it’s way easier to get them off with oral and fingering because you can hit all of the right spots easily, whereas with your penis you might take a lot longer finding the right angle and position. I wouldn’t stress about it.

  26. I dated someone with a thin one.
    It got the job done where thicker ones didn’t. 😎

  27. Stop watching porn bro! Porn creates such unrealistic standards in our heads as men. You’d be surprised how many women out there are fine with average sized or just above average sized penis (5-7 inches). Porn makes it seem like every man that’s walking the earth is packing a 9 or 10 incher when those are rare occurrences.

    Also, I’d say learn how to please any woman with whom you’d have sexual experiences. If you can make your partner orgasm by being good with your mouth and fingers, you’re already doing something that lots of guys fail at which is prioritizing the woman’s pleasure or at least making sure to take care of it.

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