You know the kind of candy almost only old people buy, the type of candy you’ve never seen someone your age buy!

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  1. My grandfather ate and gave me candies called Mentol all the time. There are many clones of Mentol made by various producers in ex-Yugoslavia, but in essence they’re sweetened octogonal green mint candy. Like [this](

    They’re not bad per se, but they’re exceptionally popular among the elderly. I don’t remember seeing anyone young buying them.

    My mom is turning 60 next week and I was planning to buy her a pack of Mentol. Hopefully she’ll get the joke.

  2. 100 % Werther’s Original, I have never seen anyone my age (29) buy it, but I think pretty much every Danish person in my age group has a memory of an older person giving them Werthers when they were a kid

  3. For me, it’s Katzenzungen (cat tongues). I only know them from old people and have never seen younger people buy them. They are still around, so it looks like they get still bought by grandparents. They are okay, mostly just regular chocolate. As a kid, I especially loved the packaging with the cute kittens.

  4. Werters originals are the ones that are branded as such.

    For my grandparents on the one side it would for sure be peppermints. Detail: they smoked (menthol) cigarettes.

    – Julianna peppermints or peppermint balls.

    For grandma from the other side it would be chocolates. Detail: didn’t smoke cigarettes.

    – Something like merci or the stereotypical Belgian chocolate in the shape of sea fruits.
    And in case for a trip somewhere, fruitella.

  5. Grandma was very religious. She always had an endless supply of Rington’s butter toffee that she kept in the sideboard by the door, which was covered in little plastic statues of the Virgin, and crucifixes and framed mass cards for dead family.

  6. I wouldn’t say that we really have a typical grandparent candy here. Atleast not what i can remember.

    The only thing that comes to mind is just classic [winegums](

    Fun fact: The avarage Swede eats 17kg candy per year. Meanwhile the avarage in EU are around 7-10kg/year.

  7. Marmalades are the first ones i thought of. There’s some classic finnish marmalade candies like [kettukarkki]( and [vihreät kuulat]( Both are very old people style candies.

    And then of course there’s [liköörikarkit]( They’re chocolates filled with liqueurs, i think many finns were traumatized by these as a kid lmao

  8. [Pihlaja marmelade](, which is always referred to as “Kettukarkki” (fox candy). These were given to kids by their grandparents at least in the 90’s.
    All hard eucalyptus or anis candies are considered “old people candy”, but those are not typically given to children.
    I remember my grandfather liked [Liqueur fills]( gave those to us sometimes. Each time I thought it was just regular chocolate and oh boy the horrible taste. 😀

  9. Hi ! We’ve got too much “grandparent candies” in France haha

    Of course we have the classics as Sugus, Werthers Original, and Ricola.

    But most traditional candies are actually grandparent candies ^^

    – [The Violettes de Toulouse](, the [Coquelicots de Nemours](, And the [Verveines du Puy en Velay](

    – [Roudoudous](

    – [Calisson d’Aix](, [Betises de Cambrai](, [Marron glacé](, Dragees[, Berlingots](, [Anis de Flavigny](, [Cachous](, [Pastilles de Vichy](—charroux—131.jpg), [Bergamotes de Nancy](, … I think I saw another frenchie that wrote about the “coussins de lyon”… Hmmm, are traditional candies from your country also “grandparent candies” ?

  10. From the merciless mocking I receive for liking After Eight I can deduce that it’s not a common preference for people who still have their original hair color. We’re late 30s for crying out loud, let me enjoy my After Eight in peace!

  11. 🇩🇰 I am a grandmother and always have TIK TAK in my bag, to my grandchildren’s great excitement. I chose TIK TAK after inspiration from my sister. They are small and hardly count as candy, and yet you can hand out a “treat” and score a few cheap points and avoid the scowling eyes of your parents. At home, I almost always have a small selection of sweets and biscuits or other goodies that I know the children love. Mostly buy something very childish i know is children loves, so I don’t end up eating it all myself. 😁

  12. When I was a kid, everybodys’ parents had this weird hard candy in a tin in their car, that you were offered/asked for. As far as I can see, it was soley for eating in the car, I never saw it elsewhere. I loved it because the candy was packed in icing sugar (to keep it from rattling in the tin?)


    (similar to this []( w

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