What is something your wife does that your buddies always notice or comment on?

  1. Not wife, but my last serious girlfriend was kinda a brat when she didn’t get what she wanted. For example, we out be out partying or bar hopping, and there’s a certain street that gets pretty rowdy after a certain time (shooting and stabbing were on a drastic rise), so we wanted to be out of there by 1 am. She would make it awkward saying she wanted to stay and asking why we can’t when we already gave a reason to.

    I soon found out why she didn’t have any friends of her own.

  2. My partner’s giggles are always popular. We joke that we should rent her out to novice comedians who need an ego boost. Give her a shot or two, then tell a fart joke, and she’ll laugh her ass off so infectiously you’ll struggle to keep a straight face. She has sent a group into laughing fits at parties on multiple occasions.

  3. My wife is an awesome cook, people notice and comment, even playfully expressing envy.

  4. She’s adopted a lot of my mannerisms from the ever-present grin like she knows something someone else doesn’t to the way she moves her fingers in the same little pattern while talking.

  5. My wife is traditional. She does the traditional female things in our marriage. For example, when we’re at someone’s house for a BBQ and I’m sitting there talking to the guys, she’ll bring me a plate of food before she dishes up the kids and herself.

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