eg, i am an extrovert but get social anxiety

  1. “I’m not the bragging type, I’m actually very modest” heard from a date 🤦

  2. Silent company! I love having friends/family around me but pray that they don’t talk.

  3. It’s important to me that others see me as smart, but when asked about my grades I always pretend they’re lower than they are.

    It’s also important to me that others do not see me as being infallible (especially academically) but I *hate” having to explain to someone that “I, too, sometimes fail an exam”

    Like… I want people to know I’m smart. I don’t ever want to seem like I’m bragging about it. I don’t want people to find out my GPA on their own, either. But I also don’t think I should have to explain to people that I’m not academically perfect. They should intuit it based on the fact that I’m human.

  4. Literally your example! I want to go out, meet new people and make new friends, but I am afraid people will immediately judge me harshly for my looks, so I don’t have the confidence to walk up to someone and introduce myself.

  5. Identify as left leaning but think that capitalism is good and essential. Think secindary education system is deeply flawed, might be going to grad school in the fall. Feminist but like the idea of a traditional-ish marriage. More moron than oxymoron at this point lol

  6. Idk if this counts, but I’ll happily go out of my way to make a fuss over other people, but find it super awkward when other people do the same back for me.

  7. I have massive issues with self belief and confidence, I don’t believe I’m worthy or good enough. And yet sometimes have feelings of grandeur and thinking I’m better than everyone else.

  8. I’m an artist by trade, but neither my room nor my fashion sense are well decorated lol. Had a few people questioned why would an art major had no art in my dorm room (still none on display in my room now). Like…idk man, i just usually don’t look away from my pc long enough? Putting up stuffs on walls makes the room cluttered and smaller? Really weird cause almost every artist i know, you can tell immediately looking at their home/room. Me? Blank walls, no artwork, no decors, basically barren room haha.

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