Example: 32M – No kids, never married, exercise regularly. I’m having trouble finding that “Purpose” to keep me motivated. It was formally a wife and kids, but I’ve moved on from that. Curious what keeps you going and fulfilled

  1. I’m laser focused on fiction writing and burying myself in passion projects.

    For awhile I tried to date but realized that it’s incredibly difficult to find someone who thinks like me and cares about me when the first thing you look for is romantic connection. The spectrum of people is far too wide and what would end up happening is I’d find someone really nice and pleasant but ultimately not really fulfilling me in the sense that I’d get bored of conversations quickly. And that’s not their fault, you can’t expect people to be on your wavelength, but I think it speaks to the drawbacks of traditional dating methods.

    These days, I hope I can find someone through my work so I can at least be sure they’re attracted to the work and have a similar thought process as I do. But if it doesn’t, that’s okay. My primary goal in life is being a traveling writer with my dog. Romance and family is take it or leave it at this point.

  2. I started writing fantasy series back in 2015, that’s my long-term goal. I also find a lot of fun in hiking, it feels there’s still a lot to see even in my small country, even after all those years.

  3. Getting to eat, not sleeping in a skip. What more do you need, lol?

  4. My Godfather only works seasonal as a life guard the rest is vacation. No kids, never married. Sounds like paradise to me.

  5. Finding ways to fill my time between when work ends and bedtime, and on the weekends, that doesn’t involve substances or video games, really.

    At some unknown point in the future, I’ll meet someone I’m compatible with. Whether it’s today, or in 5 years from today, when I do, I want to make sure I”m good enough so that she willingly picks me out of all the other options she has, and doesn’t feel like she’s settling.

    I’m 40, so kids are out of the picture unless I want to be chasing after toddlers in my 50s, but I’m still holding out hope I might find a wife some day.

  6. I polish rocks, make pottery, smoke weed, hangout with my friends, and learn how to give myself excellent orgasms.

  7. All I do is go to work, play video games and eat junk food. I have no purpose or meaning.

  8. Im same as op, but 33 and never had an GF.
    In the week there is not much time for me left after work and gym. Only a bit TV.
    And on the weekends i enjoy my time and play Videogames or hang out with Friends.
    Besides that i travel 2-3 times per year.
    And i want to buy an Appartment next year and im working to get that (which i will)

  9. Money, freedom, enjoying life on my terms. Doing whatever I want and when I want. Going home finding peace and tranquility. Working out. Being thankful of not being chained to responsibilities and dullness of being a family man in soul draining marriage.

  10. For the past 4 years it was cycling. Lost the passion a bit, spend around 2hrs per day in the gym. I guess that’s my new ‘motivation’. Other than that nothing really.

  11. Well, I sure do love having sex, doing drugs, and going camping. Also a big fan of cats. Oh, and beer. I’m pretty easy to please I guess

  12. Friends, hobbies, interests, travelling, hiking, experiencing new things…

  13. 30M – I still think my future wife is out there. I don’t want kids, so the motivation is to find someone, which may or may not turn out well. A smaller motivation is to get as good at tennis as I can

  14. Money, hobbies, extended family, excellent friends and hope for the future.

  15. ” If I give up now, no one will come home and feed my cats, I have promised to give them a good life.”

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