What is something every man should know ?

  1. Start making eye contact when talking. I know Tik Tok rotted your brain off, but it doesn’t mean you stop making eye contact.

  2. The basics of chivalry. Opening the door for your partner, walking on the street-side of the sidewalk, etc. Also, the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.

  3. The ability to cook at least a handful of really good meals. Even if it’s just scrambled eggs or mac & cheese, take the time to really nail down a few things. 

    How to jumpstart a car or change a tire. This can be the difference of being stranded or costing you potentially hundreds of dollars, not to mention being immobile on highways is inherently dangerous, especially at night. 

    How to tie a tie. Sure, most can YouTube this as needed, but what if your phone is dead or no signal? And if you do know how, you’re also able to assist others in a pinch who don’t. 

  4. Off the top of my mind:

    How to talk and treat a lady
    What their condom size is and how to buy it
    How to buy their own underwear
    Dress themselves for different events: class, work, sports, dates, hunting etc
    Pay bills on time
    Say I’m sorry and mean it
    Get a women off (if their into women)
    Good personal Hygiene
    Make a plan and stick to it
    Or if plan fails how to be flexible
    Eye contact
    Cook at least one thing excellent
    Know when to call in an expert

  5. How to plan a date. Apparently a lot of men do not set definite dates with women and just get off the damn phone. They dance around, don’t take initiative, can’t select a place, can’t decide on a time, and will continue to just text around until the woman loses patience or does it herself.

    I’m telling you, logistics and initiative is one of the biggest factors of success when it comes to dates.

  6. Every man needs to know how to cook. To this day I think that’s part of why my wife married me. I know it sure isn’t for looks or size haha.

  7. 1. Where the exists are
    2. How to drive stick
    3. How to throw a punch that would knock out someone who is not used to get bunched
    4. How to open a bottle of wine to “accidentally” splash it on someone you want to splash with wine.

  8. Never argue with your wife, you WILL lose. It doesn’t matter how right you are, you’ll lose.

  9. Power from respect is hard to earn and is lasting. Power from fear is easy and doesn’t last.

  10. Don’t want to retread a lot of things I’ve already seen so far so I’ll add one I haven’t seen: a proper handshake. It doesn’t seem important until you shake another man’s hand and they give you a weak, limp shake. Proper firmness without squeezing, eye contact, intent.

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