I dropped a iron on my arm when I was a kid and have a pretty cool scar. What’s your scar story?

  1. I punched a guy in the face. He was on the other side of a window and I forgot to open it first.

  2. Got bit by a dog after trying to rescue it. It had been outside for days, dehydrated and starving. Had to get like 11 shots for rabies and tetanus.

  3. Fell off recliner and hit my side on the register (heat baseboard along the wall)

    For some reason I think I was grabbing a quarter. I was between 5 and 7.

  4. Side of my face, meth lab explosion. The guy doing the cooking was engulfed in flames and had to be put out with a blanket.

  5. I’ve got a few, on my knee fell on a piece of glass, head, cracked it on the corner of something, fingers got them playing a high school game called blood knuckles. That’s nowhere near all of them either hahaha

  6. I use to be a heavy Xanax addict. I had ran out but knew I had dropped some in the floor of my car so I went out to look for them. After digging pills out of the carpet of my car I stood up and shut the door. Doing this threw me off balance and I landed directly on my face in a gravel driveway. I busted the bridge of my nose open and have a scar there.

  7. Tight abdominal muscles. Bashed my head on a fireplace mantel. Dog bite. Another dog bite. Broken glass. Tripped over my dog. Slipped on ice. I think that covers the major ones

  8. When I was a kid, my mom would make me stay with my grandmother for weeks. It took me a long time to realize that my grandmother was abusing me. I hated her and I hated when my parents left me with her. I would get really angry with my grandmother to the point of screaming. My mom told me never to get mad at my grandmother ever. Since I couldn’t get angry at my grandmother I took my anger out on myself and started biting my left hand. Unfortunately it’s a habit that I can’t stop and no amount of therapy has been able to help. Now I have a very noticeable bite mark on my hand and I have to lie to people and tell them it was a dog bite.

  9. When I was an edgy teenager, I thought it would be cool to hang “weapons” on my bedroom wall to look like a “badass.”

    They were cheap and fake, but one that looked like a sickle with a flimsy handle was actually incredibly sharp.

    After hanging it on some nails, I was climbing down when it fell end over end toward me. It cut up my hand and arm pretty good.

    I got incredibly lucky that I didn’t get hurt a lot worse.

  10. As a kid I would run throughout the house occasionally jumping over my dog. One time the dog got up as I was jumping and I fell face first into the corner of the coffee table. 4 stitches on my eyebrow and a scar.

    Second one was during the Jackass era where people were making groups and doing their own stupid stuff and I was sledding down a hill right into a tree. 7 stitches on my left shin.

    Other then that I’ve been pretty lucky *knocks on wood*

  11. The stories differ, but somehow someway I took a sock full of either rocks or hot wheels cars to the bridge of my nose as a four year old.

  12. I used to do heroin and (I think) I got some fentanyl when it first started hitting my area. I went to sleep because I didn’t feel good. Woke up the next day still groggy…smoked a blunt with my cousin and walked to the store. In the store I went to check on my food and my vision went white. I heard myself hit the floor and woke up spitting out pieces of my teeth and trying to talk to my cousin but couldn’t because my mandible was broken on both sides and in half. Barely visible scar on my chin that I now cover with a goatee because my chin is crooked thanks to a metal plate. 7 years California sober‼️🥳🎉 Don’t do drugs except shrooms and weed. Take it easy on the shrooms tho lol.

  13. when i was like 7 i fell down by hitting a cycle’s sharpest part and resulted in a scar right below my eye..

  14. The protective vest I was wearing, had all the Kevlar fitted at the front.
    My over shoulder day sack, loaded with spare radio batteries, first aid kit and camelback water soaked up a bit of the kinetic energy but the coin sized metal shrapnel that ricochetted from an RPG round, rather rudely entered my body without any hint of an invite. It knocked me clean on my arse, winded me and spoiled my day as it was steak night at our field kitchen that night and I missed out on a cheap cut of “beef” and chips, having to go into surgery instead.
    I have an ugly 4 inch scar on my upper right shoulder blade, but most of the cutting is from the subsequent surgery not the frag wound itself.
    A couple of inches more centrally, I my have been in trouble as it could have severed my spinal chord.
    But these injuries were every day occurrences in 2005/6 on my tour of Afghanistan.

  15. Marine Corps, we were doing fire and movement drills (line of guys, some firing while moving towards a target) got brass from the guy next to me managed to get under my shirt and press against my collar bone.

  16. One was on my arm where my 8 y.o clumsy ass slipped, accidentally burnt a small part of my arm on an iron that was being used and a few years later I still have a faint 3 inch scar.

    The other scar is on my foot and more recent but I randomly got it after a field trip like a cut on a finger even when I didn’t touch anything sharp

  17. I have a small but deep 3 or so inch scar below my belly button. I got it after choosing to ride an older minibike and wrecking into a barbed wire fence.

    The significance of this scar is the fact that I’m missing a matching twin scar across my face and neck because I also chose to wear a helmet that day.

  18. Minor chainsaw cut across my left forearm, bicycle accident at age 11 on my right elbow, spider bit surgery on back of head, muffler burn on left knee.

  19. Do you wanna know how I got these scars? My father was a drinker…and a fiend. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn’t like that. Not…one…bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me, and he says, “Why so serious?” He comes at me with the knife – “Why so serious?” He sticks the blade in my mouth – “Let’s put a smile on that face!” And… why so serious?

  20. I have a scar on the top of my head from when I was 5. I was throwing a football with a neighbor’s kid and we got it stuck in a tree because we were trying to throw it over a branch. I decided the best way to get the football down was to throw rocks at it to knock it down, and I got hit by one.

    The other scar is on my right ear, I picked that one up when I was 8 or 9. I ran past my Dad and his friend as they were bringing corrugated sheet metal up to a cabin my Dad’s friend had bought. They were renovating the place and the sheet metal was for the roof. I ran past a little too close and it gigged my ear in a way that the middle of it was sliced through, but not the ends.

  21. A couple of small surgical scars, on third degree burn covering most of an appendage, hit in the head with a chair and got some stitches from that, one long cut scar on a hand, another good sized one on my leg (fell down a manhole in a flooded street and scraped the skin off), got one where I was hit with a discus, another from a motorcycle accident, and I am sure I am forgetting a few.

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