I wanna move away because my mom is very toxic she yells out my personal business out loud for the neighbors to hear I told her nicely many times to stop yelling my personal stuff out loud it’s embarrassing I have 1 year experience as a housekeeper,1 year experience as a laundry attendant & 2 months experience as a dishwasher. I have ADHD which makes me into the slowest learner.are there food Factory jobs in Oakland that aren’t so picky. How can I survive living in a tent in the street with a full Time job

  1. Probably best to ask a subreddit specific of the town or state.

    And don’t say you’re a slow learner when you have a job interview.

    Good luck

  2. No surprise you’re a slow learner, when you’re asking a question like this on r/askmen 😂😂😂

  3. All the jobs for women?

    You can get any job you are qualified for

    Edit: if not in Oakland, then nearby around the bay

    Edit 2: if you can’t handle your mom then you won’t last a night in tent city 😂

  4. Speaking as a Bay Area resident myself, someone like you would not survive here without family support. You can live in homeless encampments though, there are many of them within walking distance from my house.

  5. > How can I survive living in a tent in the street with a full Time job

    Exactly. Why the fuck would you want to GO to Oakland? Aren’t people trying to get out of there?

  6. Since we are living in 2023 you can take any job in California, there is no legal limitation whatsoever. I heard they are havibg issues with shop owners and police officers leaving the state so maybe one of those in-demand fields are for you?

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