I’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year now & something I find strange is that he never watches my Instagram stories. I know he watches other peoples stories but he says he just clicks through stories quick. Being that we have interacted on ig a lot in the beginning, my story would be one of the first ones to click on but he scrolls past it and never watches mine & has admitted to sometimes going past it. To that he says that he knows what I’m doing usually. I just find it really weird and it kind of makes me sad like he doesn’t care to see what I’m doing. Am I being oversensitive about this? What do you think?

  1. Does he treat you good irl? Cause if he does then your complaints seem childish.

  2. If you are in a relationship, why would he need to follow a social media platform. I would say you are being over sensitive and putting to much importance in social media

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