I’m usually a Half-Orc

  1. Depends on the class and what character ideas I’ve got kicking around in my head.

    Last character I played was a dwarven paladin/warlock whose patron was a spirit that occupied a relic he was entrusted with as he helped his clan escape their mountain kingdom after it fell to an invasion.

  2. Many would think tabaxi, but I find myself always picking human, because no one ever picks human, which makes humans kinda unique in modern game adventuring parties. :3

  3. The first time I played I was a Dragonborn bard which was hella fun.

    I’ve also been a half-giant, which I didn’t love because it was in 3.5 and there was something called a “Level-adjustment” which …I didn’t love. So now I’m playing a human wizard with a Dodo!

  4. When I played, years ago, it was simply Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Elf, Dwarves, Halfings & Gnomes. For me, generally human or Half-Elf.

  5. Usually human or strong heart halfling, but that’s because I mostly played 3.5 and you can’t beat the bonus feat.

    Did have a big soft spot for warforged, too, though.

  6. In the past few years, I have played 3 Humans, a Wood Elf, a High Elf, 2 Dwarves, a Tiefling, and a Dragonkin.

    OH YEAH and a Half-Elf Fighter named Ryle Fucking Datris. He was awesome.

  7. Depends on the character. Gotta make sure I get a bonus to my primary stat.

  8. Depends on which role and class I am playing. I go for the bonuses or at least a choice that doesn’t hurt the character (like taking a dwarf and specializing in jumping when they get a slower movement and penalty to jump).

  9. I usually pick a different one each time, I want to try as many of the available options as I can

    Though I’ve played 2 dragonborn and 2 aarakocra before

  10. I trend towards human, because it’s lack of ‘default’ characteristics make the race less binary. I think other races tend to be trapped by their defaults; either you’re playing a dwarves dwarf or an elves elf, or you end up creating a deliberate opposite to that. Hitting that middle ground where you are neither playing into the racial template nor just doing “the opposite of that” is hard and a lot of people don’t do it well. I’d rather just play a human and be able to do whatever I want without having to look at how I play into the racial mold or not.

  11. I like to roll a dice over the decision of class and race OR of stats and build around that. I like the sense that the character is emergent from chance.

  12. Dwarf.
    Being a drunken, bearded, alcoholic midget is awesome. Plus I can harness the power of racism to commit hate crimes against goblins.

  13. I have played more dwarves than any other race over my time in the hobby, so that’s probably the answer. They’re industrious, hearty, and come with tool proficiencies (which I always love).

    * Kazran Englasson, Revenant Monk of the Four Elements
    * Frinian Greyview, Sailor and Priest of the Tempest
    * Hamilton Freemantle, Archivist and Servant of the Goddess of Song
    * Blythe Tiploft, Noble Songstress and Sneak-thief

  14. Human. I like to have basic builds and infuse them with a personality to make them interesting

  15. Wood gnome… I’m 2ft4/28lbs and somehow the leader of my party that contains 3 characters over 6ft

  16. I’ve had three characters so far.

    Halfling Monk – first character so personality was more or less myself, quiet more reserved and played this character as more on the stats then the actual character.

    Dwarf Paladin – by far my favourite character. This guy was horribly discriminate towards anything short, but especially imps and believed he was taller than a giant. He was out for vengeance for the death of his sister that was also his wife. He believed she was killed by a demon but he was going to discover that she ran off with an imp.

    Custom race of half human/half eldritch horror – This one we based characters off of Futurama and I was Zoidberg. Not as into this character as I want to be but it’s fun to play out twisted versions of Futurama episodes. Last time we played we were doing the equivalent of robot planet.

  17. For me, a character is almost always a concept at first. Whether it’s a jolly paladin, a diligent wizard, or a hard-working druid, a character is always based in class and features or characteristics first.

    Then, as I refine it, a race just sort of naturally appears.

    Half-elf tends to appear most regularly, however. Then, dwarves and gnomes.

    For my upcoming campaign, I wanted to play a druid but without the typical “wild being of the forest.” So instead, I wanted to play a prince of a forest kingdom on a quest to observe the natural state of the world beyond the borders he knew. Wood elf seemed the best choice here. Excited to play!

  18. I’m a DM but most of the characters I will never get to play are humans and occasionally half elves. I just enjoy humans as they rely on you to create an interesting character rather than just “my character is a bird man and can fly”

  19. I’ve been a human, halfling, half-elf, tiefling, dwarf and gobbo. The halfling felt the most ‘right’.

  20. I’m fairly new to the D&D scene. My very first character is probably my answer. He’s a Warforged. I’m really into steampunk/magic punk vibes, so this guy’s race basically had me at hello.

    Other than that, I always seem drawn towards the larger races like Dragonborn, Minotaur, Orc/Half-Orc, etc.

  21. I seem to favor plain Jane human douchebag. The specifics usually come with a bad roll or a dump stat. Charismatic but insufferable douche. Brutish bullying douche. Highly intelligent but holier-than-thou and no social skills douche. Douche with a heart of gold and plays the saxophone.

  22. lol playing D&D

    … I’m always the DM

    But if someone were to start a game right this instant; Lizardfolk for a barbarian I’ve been sitting on for the past few months.

    My usual’s either tiefling, half-orc, or dragonborn.

    Favorite current is my changeling bard.

  23. Something I like about the group I play with is that sometimes they’ll encourage something like, “Hey we’re all going to play anthropomorphic characters for this campaign,” so it encourages a little variety and we see a lot more variety thrown around.

    My first ever character was a half-elf, I’ve played a lot of humans since then. Frankly I’m not very imaginative and roleplaying doesn’t come massively easily to me all of the time so there are moments where it’s easier to just think of a character build and play it fast and loose from there.

  24. You can call me a trend follower, but Tieffling, Variant Human & Custom lineage are my go-to’s…

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