What goes through your head when you’re rejected by a woman?

  1. I will spend an unreasonable amount of time being embarrassed for myself while I’m trying to sleep at night.

    I still stay awake thinking about that time I bombed a 3rd grade talent show. I don’t have room for anymore cringe memories.

  2. That sucks, really wanted to see her naked, followed with, someone somewhere is tired of her shit.

  3. I used to try to figure out what she is looking for. The last lady is 42 and still single more than a decade later, so I don’t know what she is looking for, neither does she.

    Part of me wonders if I always go for emotionally unavailable women. But I can’t figure out where to find emotionally available women who are still single.

  4. “Mission failed guys, we’ll get em’ next time!”

    Just be sad for like 5 minutes and move on, can’t take it personally.

  5. “ouch! ouch! ouch!”

    I have (well, HAD, I’ve been married for 20 years now) a long recovery time.

  6. No hard feelings. You both have a choice. Who cares if one out of many rejects you?

  7. I try hard to not to personalize it. I then move on to thinking about what I learned from it that can make me a better partner in the future and what my preferences are. I then move on, permanently.

  8. “Bummer, could have been fun.”

    Being rejected is not too much of a drama, I know I am a decent guy, I have a good life and it is steadily improving so whether she is part of it or not is not the key factor for life satisfaction. There will be other pretty women and one of them might want to join me on this path. But obviously it won’t be the one who just rejected me.

  9. That sucks oh well. I ask them out before I’m really emotionally invested so it’s not much skin off my back

  10. Thankful they were honest and didn’t string me along. I wish them the best.

  11. Why can’t it be obvious I’m not as bad a person as I’m bad-looking?

    What have I done wrong (besides trying)?

  12. Not everyone is for everyone. We aren’t all going to like each other. It’s ok!
    Just be yourself. Someone will like you. Turning yourself inside out to “make” someone like you is ridiculous. Some people don’t like coffee, or chocolate, or the color green…. Those things don’t get offended when they aren’t liked. Why should you? Move on, be you, the right person will like you.

  13. I just tell myself that there are several million single women out there and move on to the next opportunity.

  14. Depends on the content of the rejection and the context.

    A nice piece of ass at the bar is very different from a close friend.

  15. When I first started dating a long time ago, I was way too afraid of rejection and would end up dating women who were into me more than I was them, and eventually, I would push them away often enough they would give up. Once they gave up, I would feel rejected. How screwed up was I, lol. I didn’t want to play games or anything , I was just insecure and immature. Eventually, I matured and gained enough confidence to politely reject women I wasn’t interested in and instead pursue women I was really interested in.
    Once I grew up and was more confident, I didn’t fear rejection nearly as much. In fact, any time I was rejected, I gained confidence, and it helped me tremendously. It helped me see things much clearer and allowed me to be myself. Instead of being nervous and worrying about what to say and coming off as timid and awkward, I could talk to women as if I was talking to someone I had known all my life.

  16. You ask enough women enough times you will get rejected. Over time you become immune to it. It just becomes part of a man’s life.

  17. Any time you are rejected, it will sting a little to the ego. It always does a little.

    It hurts more when it’s someone you know versus a random stranger you were expressing an interest in.

    But I always give it a little time and eventually I’m back to normal!

    Rejections are normal. Not everyone will like and accept us. But there is enough people and variations in this world that you will find a lot of people who will accept you so long as you aren’t an asshole.

  18. Spend a few hours embarrassed and thinking I’m not good enough, then the rational part of my brain kicks in and goes oh well their loss

  19. It sucks but it’s never as bad as we fear it to be. It’s a chance to recalibrate and grow

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