I’m a 21f and he’s a 25m. Met this guy on tinder about 2 weeks ago. We texted for a while. Phone called a lot. Planning on linking up for a date on a Tuesday. We linked and it went well!! Got drinks and talked. Got in his car and hugged for a while when we reached my house. We planned on seeing a movie the next day. He got to “busy” the next day so movie never happened. Anyways fast forward. The weekend comes. I told him I would like to wait to have sex. Many times. And he said it was ok. We planned to have a sleepover at his house and watch star wars and twilight on Sunday. And hangout at his job and then a club Saturday (at this point I’m thinking he’s really into me). We link up Saturday night and he buys me a drink at his job and I wait for him. He showed me a secret path to a club that’s connected to his job and we sat and partied. Ngl I was feeling kinda drunk. I had one drink and he gave me another whilst in the club (super strong drinks). We both agree that we are tired but my house was to far so we went to his place. We got there. He gave me a shot of vodka. And it sent me over board kinda. Laid cuddled and played around. Watched tv. Laughed joked. Things turned sexual. And we engaged in sexual activity. Mind you I was low key drunk asf. So I didn’t have much control over how I act and choices I made. I passed out soon after. Next morning his vibe was off. He seemed like he didn’t wanna be bothered with me no more. While taking me home he acted low key distant. When we got to my house I told him I’ll see you later and he didn’t respond. It sucks. He introduced me to his co workers. His friends. Made sure I was ok almost every hour. Told me he was tired of the games. Deleted his tinder profile for me. Now ever since he dropped me off. I haven’t heard a peep from him. It’s been some days. He posted on his social media. And I gathered up the strength to ask him if he enjoyed his weekend . No response. So after about a day I texted him quote

“Damn, if you were gonna ghost me you could’ve done it BEFORE I decided to let my guard down and get sexual with you. Or if you just wanted to hit it and quick it could’ve been honest from the jump. Could’ve let me have that choice. Now I feel and look omega stupid. It’s whatever tho. Hope you enjoyed your time 👋🏽.”

“You know what, scrap that. It’s my fault. I trust way to easy and let my guard down when I “feel” like it’s ok. Just wished you would’ve been honest. “

Dk if he even read the messages. My messages still blue. And it says delivered. But doesn’t give me the option to delete the message before he sees it. Honestly going to just move on. Just, men suck sometimes

  1. i can suggest that if you don’t intend to have sex with someone yet, don’t go to their place, and don’t drink alcohol if you do go to their place. IMO, this just totally sounds like this was his plan and he’s done with the chase , since his goal was reached, so he’s on to the next person.

    while all of that should have been something you can do without fear of the guy changing his mind and going for sex, but the reality is that it’s too chancy to give that kind of trust to someone you don’t know.

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