So a while back someone brought into work a biscuit tin (and I stupidly didn’t check which supermarket it was bought from)

It had your classics – shortbreads, bourbon biscuits etc.

But then. One biscuit was shaped EXACTLY like a bourbon, the biscuit itself was chocolate and tasted the same, but it had coconut cream in the middle instead. And on top, instead of the word BOURBON it just had a couple of swirls on it.

I have tried every type of Google search I can think of. I have checked multiple supermarkets. I can’t find this biscuit.

Either a pack of these biscuits, or even only as part of that biscuit tin selection – I need to have this biscuit again.

Help me UK, please.

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  2. Are you sure they were bourbon, best I can find is a coconut version of custard creams.

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