Is this just code for “I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t care about anything and stays inside and mopes all day” or is there something more? Is this a “power couple” thing?

I feel like I have ambition, there are things I want to do and make, but I’m generally pretty relaxed about it, leave myself open incase new interests come up, and don’t aggressively pursue everything with all 100% of my energy.

Sometimes I just want to play games and eat chips, but I have things I am doing and I’m passionate about stuff.

I just don’t want to be with someone who’s looking for money or wants to pester me all the time about not constantly going for every opportunity.

  1. Idk, I usually translate “ambition” to “proactive”. I don’t want a guy sitting around waiting to be told what to do with his life. Not that he has to be going and doing and building all the time… but as a woman, it’s easier to follow a man’s lead if he has his own sense of direction moving him forward in his life.

  2. It’s about money. Someone with “ambition” will create/provide a certain level of lifestyle.

    I think there are some who say that just to try to weed out the losers though. So use with caution. 🙂

  3. They probably mean they don’t want someone who’s a lazy bum.

    Life is about having balance. To be ambitious and motivated everyday can lead to burn out or other issues. We all needs some lazy days to relax, even those who are workaholics. But it’s also good to be motivated, work hard, have energy, etc.

  4. I’m someone who’s looking for ambition. What that means to me is that someone has an innate zest to push themselves towards doing better.

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