I (31f) have always recieved positive feedback during sex as being very tight and very wet ( extremely wet where le penis slips out) and usually the guy doesn’t last longer than a minute or so doing the nasty. I have been single for 5+ years and have had hookups during this time but never slept with anyone who is able or willing to make me enjoy piv sex, as it is always over so fast. I usually have to ask for oral sex in order to receive some form of pleasure, but generally end up all hot and bothered and unsatisfied. What should I do to be able to enjoy piv sex more?

  1. I’m not sure I have the same problem. Thinking about getting a dildo bc I just feel like shit every time I have sex with someone who is just in it for themselves or don’t even know how to please a woman even when a male try’s his hardest to pleasure me it’s not enough. I think I have something wrong with me bc I don’t get the big level 3 orgasm

  2. Do you hook up with people only once and then move onto the next person? Or keep the same partners? The best sex I’ve had is doing it with the same partner and learning what we both like. Even if it’s just a fwb situation.

  3. Damn not to be dirty, but your initial description got me slightly chubbed. Incorporate toys into cunniligus.

  4. Unfortunately there are lots and lots of selfish people in the world especially sexually. Might take time but hopefully you find a pleaser or find someone at least that’s consistent and like someone commented already someone you can learn with and get better and better with the more you learn each others bodies, wants, needs and fantasies

  5. Positions? It didn’t take my wife and I long to figure out that it worked best if she started out on top. That made it easier for her to cum, and more difficult for me. Many times she’d take her main orgasm while on top of me, then we’d shift to something else for mine. (It was actually very satisfying for her to feel me cum while she was starting into her coming-down phase.)

  6. It’s possible your pussy is absolutely wet and awesome and tempting and hard to last long in. But even so, someone motivated should reasonably able to muster the will power and determination to go a second round, which should be longer even if it is statistically more awesome than average.

    >never slept with anyone who is able or willing to make me enjoy piv sex

    Sounds like you’ve just gotten an unlucky string of people a bit on the lazy and selfish side. The part you can control here is learning to get choosier and pick people more generous and motivated. There are ways to screen for it! It’s a bit like a job interview, but at some point you could ask them to describe showing you a sexy time. If they go into it with enough detail and enthusiasm to make it seem like it would actually be great, that’s a step in the right direction.

    Sooner or later you’ll get partners that invest the time and energy so you have a great time too. But you gotta keep screening for them (sadly enough).

  7. And none of them went for round 2? You need to find a man with a decently short refractory period and take it from there.

  8. There are guys that can last indefinitely, I’m one of them and I don’t even masturbate or watch porn.

    Just keep searching

  9. I had an ex like you – she was so tight I couldn’t last a minute! So similarly I would always go down on her until she orgasmed then I would move on.

    I would recommend a vibrating cock ring. Minimal thrusting (so it should last) and you’ll get off if clitoral stuff is your bag.

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