I just recently started dating this guy like maybe a couple days now. We vibe pretty well and I enjoy his company alot but I don’t think I’m that attracted to him. He’s super sweet and we’re still getting to know each other. He does small things that give me butterflies but visually its just not working for me. Is it possible for that to change after awhile because I do really like him or should I end things now and spare his feelings??

  1. Build on existing attraction? Certainly. Magically create attraction out of thin air? Not so much.

  2. yes attraction can grow but the problem is to decide if you want to wait for it to happen, if it ever does, or if you want to go with what you feel right now, today.

    i had a co-worker that was not even on my radar when i first met her. she wasn’t even someone i had thought of , upon meeting her (the way that we might do for some people when we first meet them). but about a year later, something happened, and i just was totally into her. she was still the same, nothing really changed, but suddenly i found myself very much interested in her, including physical attraction.

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