I met a girl in a dating site who is 9 hours away from me about 3 weeks ago. We both agree that we enjoy getting to know each other. We have shared lot of experiences, thoughts and opinions and we have a lot in similar. We have called, texted and FaceTimed so far. She text me good morning and good night and I do as well if I’m up before her and we text a lot thru the day and stay up to date with each other. We have joked about meeting up before but when should I ask her and how should i tell her I want her to come visit me? Please help idk if I should wait since it’s been 3 weeks or ask. I don’t want her to think I am rushing anything.

  1. You must like torture, why on earth would you start dating someone 9 hours away? How about someone in your same zip code?

  2. Well first of all you should have asked way earlier, 9h distance is too much for most people, you should have asked if theres an actual chance of you two eventually meeting up, so you dont waste your time texting/getting to know her but not end up meeting.

    But since you didn’t, you should do it asap. Tell her that you feel like you got loads in common and if she would be keen to meet up sometime.

  3. First, the distance is too great. Second, as a woman, I would not go nine hours away from home to visit a man I do not know. I’ve watched too many episodes of criminal minds.

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