Hello all! I just had my my tubes removed so I can’t have anymore children. I feel like my libido has just skyrocketed and I absolutely just want to ravage my fiancé. Has anyone else experienced this?

  1. I think this is normal. You no longer have to fear pregnancy and you’re off any hormonal bc which often dampens libido. Also you’re very lucky because that procedure is tough to access (at least if you don’t already have kids)

  2. I had my tubes removed last year, as a 25 year old woman with no children.
    I’m still on birth control to regulate my periods (it never put a dent into my sex drive) and I was the same. Once I got the clear, I wanted it everyday, twice a day sometimes.

    It’s normal, I think at least.

  3. For like 6 months after mine and being off the pill it’s like all I wanted to do lol.

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